210,000,000 heart beats

wow makes me so emotional thank you for choosing life brother!! :heart::heart::heart:


Congratulations to your massive achievement of 6 years of sobriety!:tada::confetti_ball::tada:

I am glad you stayed with us!


Huge congrats to you!

Six years is a long time, but actually kind of a short time when you think of how fundamentally you turned your life around, and the massive impact you have made in the lives of so many.

I, for one, am deeply grateful to you for sharing your story and your words here. They were proof, to me, when I needed to trust that we can and do recover if we just lean into it. Your Recovery Dharma thread was foundational for me in regaining my sober footing.

My gratitude is more expansive, than, say, your beard is long! :sweat_smile: By far, dear friend. :pray: :orange_heart:


210,000,000 heart beats, that’s a nice way to put it :star_struck:
It’s tempting to add 210,000,000 :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: etc here but I think this app will crash and so will I :sweat_smile:

But thank you for being a part of my sober tribe!
Always like to read you and follow in your footsteps. Congratulations with the 6 years milestone Scott! :facepunch::confetti_ball: You deserved every heartbeat of it! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


Congrats Scott! :muscle:


Wow, I cannot express the depth of the smile my heart made, knowing how that little RD helped you. Thank you for the kind words


As I was thinking about this thread and writing it…i thought of you and all my TS friends.

If there is one silver lining to being an alcoholic…in recovery we get to meet and be a part of some very wonderful people’s journey


Do it!!! Lol…


Excellent - monkey see, monkey do? Quick calculation for myself is about 1 and 1/4 billion heart beats (40 yrs)

Couldn’t have done it by myself, thx everyone who helped me along the way.

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Well done Scott! I know we’re 2 weeks apart but I see us as kinda sober twins if you will. You helped me SO much in those early days especially. I’m glad you’re here and it makes my heart happy to see you growing, being around loved ones and HAPPY!

Wouldn’t be right if I didn’t ask…what’s your favorite change in the last 6 years?


I have been waiting for that! Unlike all the other times where I was a smartass…i have an answer for you.

The biggest change is in attitude. As an example I will use my time as a moderator. Never once drinking would I have ever given my time freely. A good moderator spends a good chunck of time on here, and the job isnt “fun”.

I did it to the best of my ability without a thought of what free time I was giving up. I never even thought of it as a sacrifice of time.

There came a point, life just got so busy…I couldnt adequately do it any more. Drunk Monkey’s ego would have never quit…he would have found a away. That ego wouldnt let him admit he couldnt do it. He would have sacrificed the well being of the forumn, for is percieved ego.

In short, i now can look at the greater good. My ego doesn’t dictate my percieved reality…and I do not need praise, monetary compensation, ect to reach out and help someone.

Good. Works.


I love this SO much! And I love that I’ve now got you guys thinking about the answer before I even get to ask it lol. :joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face:


After this many years, i knew I couldnt say that my favorite change was being sober…lol


Congratulations :fireworks::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::muscle::muscle::muscle:


Thank you!!!

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