5 day block

You’re right I don’t post under the influence, I can stay away from any sort of social media, I tend to turn to music instead, I have a book I’m reading on and off at the moment. I have already had an interview to transfer with the same company closer to home, if that fails then I have transferable skills as I’m also a qualified child care provider, what’s the saying “Jack of all trades” my husband is now talking to me and I am at 7 days sober. It would definitely help looking into online meetings, I did not even know that was possible, I’ve tried so many other avenues to get help only to be turned away as in the UK I’m not seen as a problem or someone that needs help as I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a night twice a week, to these agencies it wasn’t seen as a problem but to me it is. I am happy to say that my husband has now got a job to start at the end of the month so that should ease some pressure and inevitably help towards my healing and recovery. Thank you for your recommendations, if I struggle to find an online meeting I may well ask for your advice again. Hope your new job is going well too.

I can move this thread into the main forum if you want more feedback

I’m good for now, worried about being overwhelmed with responses but thank you :slight_smile:

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That’s why I asked first. Just remember the option is always there.

Thank you again, I appreciate you reaching out to me, expecially seen as I am quite reserved and don’t get involved much with discussions, but I do read the forms alot.

Music has been great for me as well. There’s some science behind it as well. It has something to do with changing the brainwaves. I learned a little bit about in rehab

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Proud of you for coming back again. I know you are worried about how your financial situation is impactibg your kids, but I have to believe that having a sober and happy mom is more valuable to them than anything money will do for them. I’m always so glad to see you on here. You and I started at about the same time, and your words have helped me out more than once. Hold on to these seven days. You can do this!


Thank you @MoCatt honestly I think that I’m getting overwhelmed, instead of making it simple and just saying I will not drink today I tend to think way ahead and say I won’t drink on the weekend, I know I need to change my mindset which is all about changing behaviours, I really want to change, I think I’m going through the motions of truly accepting how bad and irresponsible my binge drinking has been, I’m finding it better to deal with the emotions that come with accepting it.

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It’s all a process of learning more and accepting more, isn’t it? Every time I start getting freaked out about never being able to drink again and feeling like I am doomed to fail, my sponsor says something like, “Just STOP! You don’t have to know you can never drink again. All you have to know is that you won’t drink TODAY. That’s it.”

That seems much more manageable❤.

Love and hugs to you, @RedDragon.

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I’m really looking forward to it as my husband doesn’t drink mainly to his friend dying due to a drink related incident.
Tonight was very enlightening for me, my son was invited to his friends for dinner, so I went along and sat and talked to this woman, and I heard that this 7yr old was being raised by his grandparent who this boy calls mum not nan, all because his parents are alcohol dependent and on heroine, to hear the opposite side from a family going through what I put my family through is a huge eye opener, if anyone has the opportunity to talk to someone supporting an addict take it. It felt good hearing it as this person doesn’t know about my problems, it was true, heartfelt and an eye opener :heart:


@Englishd I’m ready for the post to be moved please, since my last relapse I have learnt a lot and even if I may initially feel overwhelmed I think that I have to face it good or bad comments. I feel it is the best way to recovery, I can’t hide all the time. I’m ready :+1:


I can either move this one or you can start a new one. Either way that’s awesome! I’m glad you are doing well!

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Hi @RedDragon. Just stumbled in your thread and need to say I’m proud for you to be here. This forum helped me a lot and your situation is very similar to mine except my boys are grown up now. I’m glad living a sober life now although it’s still tough . Cravings come unexpectedly and I still feel low of energy mostly but not waking up with a hangover it worth everything. Wish you good luck on your journey. You’re not alone. Big hugs