About Sober Time and Talking Sober

Let’s all try to be nice to @Robin who helps make all this possible. But I’m kind of fuzzy on the whole org/structure behind the SoberTime App and the talkingsober.com forum, or maybe I have just forgotten? Like, who owns talkingsober.com, who formulates the rules or policies? is it one or multiple people? What is the process for any changes to rules or policies, etc. I’m sure this is not the right thread for all that, but maybe there can be one created.

Sober Time and TalkingSober fall under SocioSoftware, which is owned by me. I make all the important decisions like rules, policies, new features and so forth.

There are other people in the background that you probably won’t interact with. They help me out with services like graphic designs, translations, email support etc.

It’s not a corporation though. If you’d like to add or change something, just have a chat with me.

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I removed all of the posts relating to off-topic arguments. Let’s move forward and keep this topic about Sober Time and Talking Sober. If you have any questions about how these two applications function, who makes and maintains them, etc, just ask :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Talking Sober Feedback

Seems very clear we thankfully have this forum to discuss sober issues thank to you Robin. Everyone is free to not participate here if the simple, common sense rules you have outlined are objectionable. On topic I believe it’s 43 days for me.

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Sober issues were being discussed. Thank you.
Everyone should be able to discuss when there needs to be a change as well.
I thought these were “simple and common sense” rules as well until they weren’t. Congrats on your 43 days. @Msmith1237

Geeezz, weather anyone responds or not doesn’t matter, what is happening?
Within the past day there have been repeated posts by I guess you guys who have well earned time and heartfelt efforts on this site. What is all of the friction about?
We can not be a community until the founders let us in.
Step back and look at the entire picture and lose the emotion in doing so! It can only bring good things to all of us :slight_smile:

Agree completely. Am thankful for this forum.

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I am feeling defensive about this still due to recent posts going on, mine included.Its BECAUSE this forum is important to me and I for one do not want to lose what it was when I first came on here.

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We all need to support each other. No ill intent from me. This has been the best place for me.


I usually gain so much from your past and recent post’s. Lately I am feeling anger or frustration on your last day or two posts. You also offer SO much insight and support to all of us. Thank you for fighting for all of us and for this awesome app. I had to learn the hard way to rest my gloves and rest my arms. :muscle::sparkling_heart:

Yeah, there’s always two sides, you just can’t see them now. So I’ll send you all my screen shots. :smile: :wink:

Asking out of and from the heart! You are such a strong supporter here. I admire how you say what you me and mean what you say. :blush:

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Understood and thank you guys. Hopefully it’s growing pains only. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mine and the App’s growing pains that is!!:smiley_cat:

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You have screen shots?lol :heart:you