Chat room?

Does anyone know why my chat room doesn’t work? Do I have to be here awhile or something? I can read and type but I can’t press send

I quit going to the chat area it frustrates me I had same problem. I think it has to do with the iPhone. Others have said things about it and that on a computer it functions much better. I just stay to this area. Welcome and good luck.

@Amber What phone and software version do you have? The chat is still an experimental feature (better than nothing), so it bugs out sometimes.

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Ahh ok good to know, I got the iPhone 5c, well hopefully they update soon fix the chat feature :slight_smile: thanks guys

Does the return key not act as ‘send’ ? @Amber it tends to work slightly better on PC :slight_smile:

And I have the newest iOS, like 10.2.something

It’s the return on my S5 @Amber.
I was a little confused initially as the return’s normally used for a new paragraph, so I kept sending half comments.
It might be different for iphones and PC/Mac laptops though!

Well apparently I was able to add a message so return worked I guess, although it didn’t look like it worked at the time lol it’s all flippy and weird. When I type it flips back and forth with every letter I type. I’ll just be patient and wait and hope it gets updated


The chat room does seem temperamental - I’ve never had a problem with my S5 but @Steve92 has a S5 and has commented a couple of times that the chatroom doesn’t work well for him at all.

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Trying something new, please see here:

That was the screen shot from the link you sent but it doesn’t matter about the link… the new full window chat works brilliantly!! Thank you so much, I really feel like I had a problem and you fixed it and I couldn’t be happier, what an amazing developer! Yay

Or is it because I’m not a “new member” anymore so I have more features?