Compliments Thread

@Zappo hi, and what a lovely idea :slight_smile:

How nice of your colleague to comment and I’ll bet you felt a million dollars after!! :blush:

I sure did! It’s a nice recognition and just another little sign I’m on the right path.

My mother says “You look so happy and your home feels so peaceful” Yes! :relieved:
And as you all may have seen my before and after milestone photos…I feel like a new person and look like a new person.


That is so nice. I found when I stopped drinking that my skin seemed to get firmed up again and a nice colour too (not so blotchy). Perhaps all that is giving you a refreshed look.


Link please!

Sober life rocks Vs Sober life sucks

I’ve had that question too…“why in the world would you quit drinking and better your life rather than continue to dig yourself further into the abyss of self-destruction”? …is what I’m hearing…lol


People wonder why you’re going to the dentist for a cleaning??? I don’t think I want to talk to those people. They must have the stinkiest breath. LOL


I love it when I’m talking to people about my past and they have a hard time believing I was once a homeless junkie


I haven’t gotten compliments from people who don’t know what’s going on, only those that do like my sponsor. But there are other ways that people are reacting positively. Like my upstairs neighbor asked me to watch her cat while she was on a short trip for the first time (I have lived here 4 1/2 years and so has she). The reclusive next door neighbor, father of two little kids, graduate of Georgetown (so his license plate frame says) said hello to me, a single mom and renter, the other day. I got a bonus at work for the first time in 14 years of working at my company (not all of them drinking years) in December. Somebody at work gave me an orchid for my birthday. So, i guess i am not living in my selfish, the-world-has-wronged-me bubble any more thinking about drinking all of the time. And it is being noticed! :purple_heart:


So far people have only noticed my weight loss. :unamused: That’s something I guess.


Wow I never took a picture of me when I was in a similar condition, I never had the courage.
On the other hand I just can look at the scars I got from my worst episodes… You look great now though, it’s incredible!

Kareness, these little things that never would have happened without sobriety are really encouraging too. And they just come on top!

Elisabeth, I’d argue that’s more than just something!

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I would bet that that would have been an unpleasant cleaning. I missed many during the years I had no insurance and when I did get a cleaning it was painful with a lot of bleeding. I will NEVER miss a cleaning now. So much more pleasant.

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I went into one of my regular ‘wine shops’ to get milk and the chap behind the counter said hi and you look really well. I know I have arrived there in a taxi (trying to look sober) and bought 3 bottles of wine on countless occasions , at all hours of the day in the past. Must have looked rough as f*ck… and honestly didnt care.
The fact that he took the time to say it meant such a big deal to me :blush:


That’s awesome! I too have bought alcohol trying to act/look sober. I’m sure I didn’t fool anyone.

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I think the weight loss is a big deal to notice! Because it’s almost impossible to lose weight when drinking over 1000 calories a day.

(adding) …oh and for this thread. A few months ago my wife told me that she was very proud of me! That felt good. And yeah the weight loss her and especially my daughter tell me how much they notice my weight loss over the past 14 months. She said “Dad, you’re looking hella slim!” :blush: - believe me I’m not anywhere near “slim” but I’ll take it!


@JohnSee seriously. The amount of calories in my daily consumption of booze was ridiculous. Too much to count. I should be fatter, lol.


@Elisabeth (not to get off topic, I’ll stop here but…) “Too much to count” but I literally count/estimate calories as part of my daily weight loss plan, and it was ridiculous! Left me with only about 500-600 calories a day for actual food. And ask me how much I care about what I eat after drinking over 1/2 a liter of Vodka! (I’d gained about 60 lbs over past few years, most if it in a single year)

Ha, we have that in common @JohnSee . I would not eat, just so I could drink more. Even active in my drinking, I still didn’t want my ass to get too fat lol. I gained 60lbs. as well. A couple years ago I had lost 60lbs. and kept it off for a while. Then my drinking steadily got worse and I gained it all back. I’ve lost 20lbs so far, 40 to go! I’m sure everyone noticed I put the weight back on. Really embarrassing.

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@Elisabeth That’s great, keep going!! Even if it takes a long time, the pounds lost can really add up. You certainly know how to lose.

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