Day 4 and i dumped it out

Thanks! Think for every week i dont drink ill try and find some other way to reward myself. I was usually spending about 30 bucks a week on alcohol. Sometimes more. So, maybe ill buy a couple games a month off steam or something instead. Still will be saving money.

Bro that’s a fantastic idea. And it gives you something to do that isn’t drinking. In my first few days of sobriety whenever I got the urge I would think of the good and the bad. Like what is the good (it makes me forget) but what is the bad (it makes me mean to everyone, over emotional, makes me miss obligations, costs me opportunities, gives me anxiety). I would always see how much the bad outweighs the good. I also found things to supplement the spending. A good trick is to try sweets. When you’re craving alcohol it’s usually your brain wanting dopamine (or so I’ve heard, not a medical expert) but replacing it with sweets will give your brain that same kick for a little bit. Ice creamed helped a lot lol (of course I had to take on the cardio but that’s fine).

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Oh yeah. I usually dont buy games because i pay for game pass. But, sometimes i want something that isnt on gamepass. Im going to try and lose weight. So, i could look for some sort of hard candy that isnt completely just loaded with sugar. I am a completely different person when im wasted. After so much i go straight into depressed and usually talk about wanting to die. There is only a short window where i actually feel good. Its usually almost all bad. I was graving sweetie yesterday. Thats why i ended up drinking a couple sodas.

Running and exercise and working overtime helps good job

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Thank you. I dont get over time often. But, thats okay. I dont like being at work. Todays been okay though. Luckily havent had a single craving so far. But, i did just stuff some mcdonalds in my face. Slightly less bad for me. Haha


Way to go!! Thats an amazing accomplishment.

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Thank you i appreciate it.

Good for you. So.proud you got this, stay strong

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Thank you i appreciate it