Has your body improved?

That’s great to hear. :blush:

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No kidding you look great!

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Thanks @nillafresh. Really kind of you. My ‘mate’ says I look too skinny but I informed him I wanted to compete in athletics to which he said why? We’re no longer on the same wavelength.


Wow - what a transformation!! Well done you! :relaxed:

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Awe well it sucks you two aren’t seeing eye to eye. Maybe one day!

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After beginning a workout regiment and dieting i.e. Eating more healthy and watching what I actually put in my body a few things happened…I lost weight went from size 38 pants to 32…my skin began to look way more healthy…my nails on my fingers and toes after a few months started growing normally and grew strong again…when I was using they were wavy like they grew in spurts…it wasn’t too noticeable to others but I noticed it because they weren’t smooth any more they had ridges…there is probably more but that should give u an idea of some of the physics benefits…oh yeah…I started standing up taller…before I would kind of walk around hunched a little bit


Yes, I look and feel like a different person. I’m not dieting or doing any extra exercise (I have an active job anyway). I drink a ton of water, coconut water, take vitamins and most importantly I’m not drinking alcohol, smoking crack, or binge eating junk food. My weight hasn’t changed much but I’ve exchanged fat for muscle. I’m much stronger and have a ton more energy to get things done. My skin has improved dramatically. Most importantly, I have life back in my eyes.


Oh wow @Tim you look totally different! Class!

Thats so class @Zara.

What happened to your face in the 1st picture? @Melrm

I drank a sh&* load and blacked out…fell on gravel. I had those scratches all over my body

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First pic was my nightly ritual of drinking a whole bottle of wine :upside_down_face: & the second is 100 days sober from alcohol.
Body weight gained a couple pounds, mmm feel better, and healthier. Defintely a lot happier without alcohol. :grin: Kind of feel like I look the same probably only diff I am happy now & a little weight gain.
Probably because I always ate kinda ate healthy & I walk a lot. :thinking:


Wow such a difference! Wish I had taken pics now.
Well done look alot healthier.:clap:

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With you on that one x


Good to know that after 6 months or so you lose some weight. I feel like at the beginning you gain weight sometimes because you are eating more. When I drank, I didn’t eat much. Its weird how alcohol effects everyone differently.

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Hi Tim you are an inspiration and hopefully one day I’ll feel confident to post my pictures before (which is now) and current (which is future) too! :rainbow:

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I’m not going to post about my weight loss again, else people will :rolling_eyes: (i guess I just indirectly did?)

Oh do share @JohnSee it’s a great advert for sobriety…

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@Danielle_Nicole_Oval I have 30 days today (yay!) and definitely have gained a few pounds from eating more. I didn’t eat much either when I was drinking because my belly was full of booze. I’m a little upset about the weight gain so I am going to focus on eating healthy now. I’ve had such terrible sugar and junk cravings which I’m sure is part of the gain.

Yes,yes and yes many sugar cravings & carbs. But i would rather have few extra pounds than go back to drinking again.
I am doing the exact thing trying be more diligent about eating healthy, I exercise 5 times a week but its more about what you consume. I use to be a personal trainer.
I am not to hard on myself because I know my body is healing its self and i’m still in the early stages of recovery. Time heals all wounds. Hehehe…but seriously we need to be kind to ourselves and give ourselves a break. I use to be health nut and that wasn’t healthy either.
“Life is about balance”.