Higher Power saw fit to give me employment

Beard discrimination is real and needs to be addressed.

This has been a public service announcement from NBC (National Beard Conference).

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My beard is not classy haha. It’s unruly. I went from a customer service job that allowed no visible tats or beards, just tasteful mustaches to driving a bus. They don’t care if you have tattoos on your head, just show up and don’t hit stuff


A mustache is tasteful if it has a rockin’ beard attached, but I do like a job where the requirements are show up, don’t hit stuff.

Goat is currently beardless. Goat needs to have beard. Goat also got a hair cut. Goat does not like haircuts.

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I work in corporate sales. I meet with C-level executives.

Tell them they can’t compete bc you’re on the B-Level (beard-level)

I meet with all types. School kids, moms, execs, derelicts, partiers, aimless. Everyone has a place to go… well mostly

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congrats! good news is a great way to kick off your weekend :fist_right::fist_left: