I feel like I want to slap someone!

I am so irritable right now! In a few hours I will be at day 6 alcohol free. Don’t know if I will make it. I’m taking everything personally today, even my husband helping me with laundry! I should be grateful but instead feel like he’s mocking me, even though he says he’s not. I feel like in his actions he’s telling me, “see I can do the laundry and work too, don’t know why YOU can’t get it all done” Am I crazy?? We own a business together so we work everyday together. He was standing over me eating potato chips and I thought I was going to lose it. Lol. Help!!

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Anger is normal in early recovery. Just remember that feelings can’t hurt you but drinking will. Just try to recognize it, and move through it instead of drowning it with booze. Also, be open with your husband right now. Tell him how you are feeling, calmly. Just let him know that you are feeling extra sensitive at the moment. Here are some tools that helped me in early recovery. You can do this!


Thank you so much!


Eating potato chips near your ears?! I visualized slapping him already… I dont even know him! Tense nerves are very common in early recovery as substances play havoc with our central nervous system! Gosh I wish I could give you some of my taurine capsules… It was god send!


Ha ha I know right?

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Everything is intensified in early sobriety. Our emotions are raw. We’re not numbing out anymore. Take quiet breaks if you have to and do some breathing exercises. It does get better; be patient with yourself.


Yeah… who does that!? And Im Asian and super slurp my noodles and even we dont SLURP our chips!!! ekkk!


Thank you! Always nice to know I’m not the only one

Licorice and everyone struggling in the early days, go for a walk look at the scenery around you, if you are lucky to be near a park or people’s gardens, admire the shrubs, flowers, leaves on the trees, anything to distract your thought pattern, look at things with clear, fresh eyes, look at the sky, take notice of what’s around and breathe, be glad you are strong on this day.

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Thank you! I love walking outside. I will try that!

This is extremely normal. I remember my first month I wanted to chew my fiance’s head off, even for the littlest things. Stay strong and remember, you are getting sober to enjoy life in ways you couldn’t imagine were possible. I promise you it will get better :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I’m starting to feel better :blush:

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