I just quit everything in one fell swoop

I decided to quit smoking weed yesterday among other drugs. 8 days ago I decided to fix my sex addiction issue and stop blowing money on that stuff. It’s not a very easy day for me today. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea quitting everything at once but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I guess its the addict in me that wants to be all or nothing. Anyway…I’m a bit concerned. I started a diet a couple weeks ago Im sure Im going to be doing some emotional eating. I’m just really tired and unhappy with life right now. I’m kind of rambling. Anyway…


I quit drinking among other things cold turkey, then my kid aked me too quit smoking cigarettes…i was like… whoa, that’s like slamming the breaks on a frieght train!
I would say one thing at a time but if you think you can do it then more power to you… don’t put to much on yourself if you can’t do it all at once. I applaud you for even trying and am here for you either way!
Stay strong!


@Rikk thank you Rikk. At this point I’ll feel like a failure if I give up on any of it…I already made the big announcement to my friends that I quit so I could hold myself accountable now I feel like I have no choice but to do it. Did you decide to not quit cigarettes in the end?

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Don’t ever think yourself a failure!
Your human and your human going through a struggle that most don’t have to so in a way your stronger then most!
I still have my cigarettes lol… not strong enough to quit those yet, too be honest of all my addictions that has been the hardest for me to quit (Been smoking since i was 11, I’m 44 now, you do the math lol)


I quit drinking and tobacco 26 days ago. For me the 2 go hand in hand and i dont think I’d be able to quit 1 whilst still doing the other. But that’s just me :blush:


I quit the “holy trinity” 26 days ago (booze, drugs and ciggies) I feel incredible right now, I hope it lasts! Best of luck to you :blush: you have our full support here.


I have to give you credit @BlazingPegasus. You’re going through with this.:slight_smile:

Keep checking in for support. It helps me.

The app allows us to track multiple addictions. I would track my sobriety for all the addictions separately if I was in a similar situation. That way, if I slip in one addiction, I still give myself credit for sobriety in other areas. We got to be kind to ourselves. Stay strong @BlazingPegasus. You got this!

@Rikk, thank you! Yeah I imagine it’s probably for the best to not quit everything at once, I think my personality type wouldn’t be able to handle that I feel like the temptation to go to other things would be too much. @Cassie 26 days is great, good job keep going! :slight_smile: @Surfin_Bird congratuationls to you as well for hitting the 26 day mark. Im trying to quit drugs, nicotine and fix my sex addiction problem. @Tom1986 we all have our starter habbits don’t we? I guess technically alcohol was first for me but I feel like weed was my base. The friends saying “don’t be a pussy”, I question how good of a friend those people are. Keep strong. @KevinesKay Yes! I have all of my addictions tracked right now and that’s exactly what I was thinking of doing. Thank you sir, I will try my best. Tonight is a bit hard but its only day 3 so thats to be expected I suppose.


I’ve done the same. And it’s day 6 and I feel worse than ever I’m feeling very emotional not strong enough that I want to get some weed beer and coke and get fucked up. But people are relying on me and if I can’t be there for them how can I be there for myself? You’re not alone bro.

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@Paul_Tracey I’m glad you have people in your life that keep you centered. For me, I feel like no one relies on me and everyone could give a shit if I just picked up again so I’m trying to stop my mind from convincing myself it’s ok to just do it. I miss getting fucked up and I’m miserable too, but in some ways I don’t feel as miserable as when I was using so maybe I will keep this up.

@Tom1986 Tom I understand, the last thing I did before getting so fucked up and deciding to quit everything was some stuff I don’t normally do but I had such a weird breakdown it convinced me to stop. I’m about your age and I do feel like this has gone on long enough, we can’t go into the rest of adult hood depending on outside things to make us feel better. We need to fix our coping mechanism and learn to do it ourselves. I hope you can keep it up, I’m starting to feel better already.

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