Identify your triggers 😲

Here are mine

  • Not having anything in my hand when other people do
  • Going to a crowded event, party, bar, festival, fair ect
  • Boredom
  • The inability to handle my emotions, I am very sensitive so I get angry/hurt very easily and take things very personal
  • Feeling lost, as if my life has no direction.
  • Seeing alcohol
  • Feeling inferior

I hope to overcome these things in time. I believe my drinking has stunted my mental and emotional growth as a person.I look forward to getting stronger and learning to handle things better. Alcohol allowed me to cry and get angry and feel all these emotions without feeling bad about it in the most irrational, childish way. I was nothing but selfish while I was drinking.
I hope to be able to flourish my creativity and learn more about who I am and what I am capable of.
I believe that I would get all worked up about something I wanted to do or be and then I’d grab a 6 pack, and suddenly nothing else mattered but my next beer.
Okay now I’m ranting sorry!

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My drunk self would have bought some tall bottle beers, went to the beach, then decide I needed more , go get more and drink the rest at home and be completely wasted by 5 of clock.Wow I sound like a lunatic. Literally it’s all downhill from there.Funny thing is without alcohol I’m a really smart and cautious person.
With it i…
Drive under the influence
Don’t remember watching my favorite show
Can’t remember renting a new movie I wanted to see
Can’t read a book I wanted to read

It pretty much takes over 2 days.One for drinking and the next for throwing up and hating myself.

That’s insane.


My triggers

Lack of routine
Wanting to be a “normal” drinker & "fit in"
Self sabotage

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Women… the dating world sucks trying to do it sober.