I'm giving in

Well… i survived 11 lovely sober days, then had some time off work & went right back to drinking. It was like I had no willpower at all… i didn’t even argue with myself… just went to the store & stocked up on wine like always. Spent all day Saturday & Sunday drinking. I’ve realized now that I was “whiteknuckling” my way through those 11 days, just “surviving” until I decided I had been sober for a respectable amount of time & could start drinking again. The good thing is, I am learning a lot about myself during this journey. I am starting my sobriety clock over, but this time I want to do it differently but first admitting that i need help & can’t do it alone.


Your never alone, we are always here!

I had a similar experience last night, I did break down, and purchased the crappiest meal you can think of from Burger King… it was either put so much food in my stomach that it’s not worth drinking or drink to oblivion. I feel fat this morning but I’m hungover free. I really don’t like feeling fat either!


Dude you need to stay busy, you can’t over think all of this! Find something (plates, boxing whatever) to spend time with people!


Been there so many times. I thought I could do it alone but I was wrong. We’re here for you! The past is over and starting over is a great opportunity to change your future. It’s a NEW day! Be encouraged and challenge yourself to live a beautiful and sober life. Stay Strong @anon73712025!


Hey @anon73712025 11 days is amazing, and shows that you have willpower, but staying sober isn’t really about being weak or strong, it’s about changing thought patterns, routines, even social circles sometimes. You also learn how the addict in your mind tries to trick you, and how to be prepared. Here is a great recent post about early recovery…


Thank you for this. I think I may have flagged you by accident, i was seeing what all the icons did… if i did i didn’t mean to. I appreciate your guidance.

@anon73712025 it’s ok. The mods will check and see it’s fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

The way I look at drinking is that it removes the self from reality while inebriated, thus, when drinking you’re removing your identity from your reality. This can lead to huge disconnects within an individual.

In this outlook, if you begin to work on yourself and fall in love with being you, there isn’t any reason to drink and you will solidify who you are regardless of situation.

What does this mean?

Become what you want to be and all your unhealthy habits should naturally fall off. One major realization I recently had: find comfort in being imperfect, chasing ideals is unrealistic and ultimately conforming to societies ideals. Just be you!

If you need any help, there is an entire community in your back pocket :slight_smile:



Binge eating is one of my addictions when drinking, then followed by another by throwing it up after every meal. The cycles are terrible :frowning:

#thistoshallpass #staystrong :kissing_heart::heart::star::v::muscle: