Introduce Yourself

Good luck Greg

Hi Brittany, i was reading your story and it sounds like music means as much to you as it does to me, music is my soul, anytime im feeling some type of way it has ALWAYS been my outlet. Let your music be your outlet for the pain and trying times you’ve had to go through. I’m also brand new here and I’m one week into my sobriety, you got this!

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Hi, my name is Susie, and I have been sober for a little over 9 years now. I am now 55 years old, and I live in Newport, NC with my husband and my 16 year old daughter. This is my second (and last) marriage. I ruined my first with drinking, and I am working part time. My older daughter lives nearby with my grandbabies, and my son only lives a few states away. I am so blessed to be some part of my kids lives, and it’s thanks to the program of AA, and not drinking one day at a time…


Very similar backgrounds, with alcohol.

Father was an alcoholic, which made life very difficult for me and my four brothers. I was the oldest and always tried to fill the fatherly role.

So, when my brother passed away under strange circumstances. I took the loss as a parent and brother very hard.

I soon became a person I hated. The drinking only temporary suspended all the pain of the loss.

I understand and relate to every word in your post. Plus, a million things more.

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Hi I’m Tony. I’m 31 and I’m an alcoholic. I got this app about a month ago as a means to an end. I’ve reset the counter 4 times already. Starting from 0 again today! I was supposed to be at work today but had to call in sick as I relapsed last night.

I’ve never gone more than a month without alcohol in my adult life- my partner doesn’t drink or do drugs (never has) I drink when shes’ away usually.
I keep my drinking from people and usually drink by myself.
I’m reaching out on this forum as I have failed time and time again to cease drinking alcohol.
I would love to go more than a month sober. I achieved 30 days last year, but it’s getting progressively more difficult to do this.

Anyways hello to all on your journey!


Welcome @MelB @Danielle_Nicole_Oval @ericG @Greg @Susie_Best55 @Antol all you beautiful people. Here’s some stuff to get you started… Let us know if you need anything. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for your support and kindness mel☺

Nine years, thats inspiring :sunflower:

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@Antol Welcome Tony!! Don’t worry, I think a lot of us have had to reset our timers. I have twice. I’m almost 9 days in without drinking. It’s not easy and this site has helped a lot. My husband and I enable each other but thankfully he is also almost 9 days sober. It’s been great. We fight a lot when we drink so it’s just not a good situation for either of us. If you need someone to talk to this site has sooooo many people who will support you, myself included. Good luck on your journey!!


This is my first time here. I have been a disaster for years. My youngest child died at age 30 and that threw me into alcoholism. When I was drunk, I could forget about the pain. 3 days sober and feeling hopeful.


@diane61657 Welcome! There’s a fantastic group of people here for support.

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I’m Luke. I was first introduced to AA by my first girlfriend. I was 20 years old. I didn’t take it seriously. Both my parents are alcoholics and it seemed normal to me. I put 3 years together twice but have struggled to put together over 30 days in the last 2 years. But I hit a new bottom lately; I was waking up suicidal in the morning. Enough. I don’t want to live like that anymore. I got a new sponsor who is saving me through consistency and genuine caring. I have 27 days today and am starting to feel so much better. I don’t feel alone anymore.


@Luke_Knight_Mulock Congratulations on your 27 days! I’m at 9 myself. It is crazy how much better you feel without dumping gallons of booze down our throats. Good luck on your journey!

Hi @Luke_Knight_Mulock, @diane61657 welcome to the forum.


Thanks, you too!

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Thank you for your kindness.

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Thank you, it hasn’t been easy. In fact I’ve had more bad stuff happen in Sobriety than when I was sober! 5 surgeries, a loss in my family, and I’ve moved about 6 times. But I did it all sober! But I also got married! And I have 3 kids, and two beautiful grandbabies that I get to see all the time! All this, because I choose not to drink one day at a time.


It feels really good to be here!


Welcome @diane61657 and @Luke_Knight_Mulock

Hi , I am sorry for ur problem , I think u should stop drinking immediately , its harmful for everybody and it start point of other problems ans diseases
Care urself ur nice human. :blush: