Introduce Yourself

Hi, just wanted so introduce myself. I´m Anna, I´m 31 y/o and 14 days clean and sober.
Alcohol have always been my main addiction, but cocain and weed have been chasing the number 1 spot for a while now. Along with speed, opiates, pharmaceuticals and pretty much anything I could get my hands on. 2 weeks ago today my body said NO! after 4 months straight of to much drinking and using, not sleeping and trying to fit 4 jobs together and I got rushed to the ER… I was 100% sure I was gonna die in that er-room, a feeling I wish upon no one. So here I am now - fighting a war inside my head every day to stay sober.
I work in hospitality and pretty much all of my friends do to, and trying to stay sober in that environment is not easy that´s for sure… Some days I´m at “one hour at a time” and some days I have a good day where I feel strong.
The app have really been helping me and I think the forum will be a great place too for when I need to talk about my thoughts - even tho my friends listen they simply don’t understand… It only helps being told “just don’t think about it” so many times…
Thanks for reading <3


Hi @Serendipity. Glad to see you here after such a frightening experience. Note this forum is also available from, even without the App.

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Welcome @Serendipity

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@Serendipity any support you need let us know. Strength and good vibes being sent!

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Hello everyone my name is Melissa. I am 29 years old. Even though alcoholism runs in my family I never thought I “fit into” the category of what it is to be an alcoholic because I’m not dependent on it or need it to function everyday. I live a healthy lifestyle during the week with eating well, going to the gym and not drinking. However, my problem is once I go out and have one drink, I can’t stop. Pretty much every time I drink I blackout and make horrible decisions. After blacking out last night and having my boyfriend and brother frantically trying to locate where I was and thinking the worst, I can truly say I have a major problem with alcohol. Long story short my experience last night made me realize there is not a checklist or a certain box someone has to check to be an alcoholic. I need help and the only thing that will help me is if I avoid alcohol completely. It’s a poison that I want to eliminate from my life. So I am on here today to become the best person I can be and take a different approach by leaning on people who are positive and supportive. Reading through these posts makes me feel so much better knowing I am not fighting this battle alone.


Welcome @Mel22! and thanks for sharing your story. Here is a helpful thread on early sobriety:

(Surviving Alcohol Withdrawal/Early Sobriety Techniques)

an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.

There is no face to this. It goes beyond what we think an alcoholic looks and acts like. We are men and women from all ages, ethnicities, and income classes.


Thank you @JohnSee this is very helpful!! :slight_smile:

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Hi this is my first post . I have been down loading different apps looking for a way to connect with individuals looking to maintain sobriety. I would classify myself as a binge drinker the last 18 months who had landed emotionally in the bottom of a red wine bottle. When I binge I have no stopping point and I like calling up my family and friends. Because I normally would black out I have no memory of who I call or what was said . My last binge was on Tuesday March 14th and I was hyper focused on getting a wheel chair for a friend in the middle of the night which started a drunk dial hi wrong. I was so hung over on Wednesday I had to call off work with a bogus excuse to a job I started 3 weeks ago. A planned Relocation to Charlotte with my retired husband leaving a job of 30 years and community I lived in all my life has left me depressed beyond my personal comprehension. The binging started due to excessive time on my hands with no real interest or hobbies because I lived to work not worked to live. I want my life back . I want to find joy outside of a wine bottle . I love the community we moved into however it is a community that loves to drink . I have made my core group of friends aware of my drinking situations which makes me feel relieved but also makes me think how am I going to continue to abstain . So I’m here looking for support and insight


Welcome @AUGDON12 “One day at a time” and tomorrow the same thing. We’re not promised forever. Here’s a bunch of links for different articles as it pertains to recovery and sobriety. Start by educating yourself and look for things that might interest you and help you further on your new journey. You’ve come to the right place…Plenty of experience in addiction, alcoholism AND sobriety.

Thank you for the links . I have started therapy and exploring the program Smart Recovery which is cognitive therapy based. I grew up with AA at my kitchen table morning noon and night . It became my Fathers church which kept him sober but kept from being a real father to his 6 kids

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Find what works for YOU. Recovery is personal and best designed to fit YOUR sobriety.

I am grateful I downloaded this app . Not to sure how it all works but will muddle through


Hi @AUGDON12 and welcome. This is the best App and online support forum I ever found. Remember the forum is also available directly on the web via

Thanks John I didn’t know that

Hi im dave and im a addict from the uk … ive been clean off heroin for 33 days but im still on a methadone reduction im down to 25ml at moment so im not really clean but im happy to not be using heroin … ive been trying to stop a very long time but recently found na and its been a massive help … im glad i stumbled across this app it sounds like this could help too … good luck everyone … we can do this !


Welcome @Dave_Mccall and congrats on 33 days! Note that this forum is also available outside the app form any device using

Hello @Dave_Mccall and @AUGDON12 :sunny:

My name is Jess. I live in Phenix City, AL with my husband & 3 kids. I come from a long line of heavy alcoholics, & I am the family tradition’s latest victim. I have now been an alcoholic now for 12 years. I have lost friends, respect, and even health because of my addiction. My drunken decisions have caused a certain level of self-loathing that I can’t seem to shake. Since November I have sworn off liquor, but I still overindulge in beer & wine NIGHTLY. My 3 year old says, “Beer is Mommy’s favorite.” That breaks my heart because I want the family curse to end with me. I know that my husband deserves so much better than a wife that picks 3am drunken fights with him. I get over emotional when I drink & the slightest thing sets me off. I have put my poor husband through so much, and he has given me nothing but love & patience in return. I want to be someone that deserves him. I want to quit drinking to be a better mother, wife, friend, and self.


Hi @Jessina_Anderson and welcome! :wave: You can end the “family curse”. It really is possible. If you are not familiar with recovery yet, spend some time reading around the forum. Also very good educational resources are found here:

(Different Aspects of Recovery)