Just out of alcohol detox

Just got out of a 3 day alcohol detox program. Still taking Ativan but feeling really good. What suggestions do you have to move forward sober so shortly after detox?


Alcohol, should have mentioned that in the original post. TIA for your help

Hi StartingAgain, I’ve not done a program or anything so can’t suggest sorry but just wanted to say welcome! A good help I find is coming on here whenever I need to, everybody is so supportive, it’s a massive help :slight_smile:

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Go to an AA meeting and find a supportive group (it helps to be accountable to people that are walking the same journey as you)
Change up your habits and avoid old people and places that might be your trigger. Go have coffee or see a movie with a sober friend instead.
Most importantly…take care of yourself with consistant sleep, regular meals, and a little exercise. Use your down time to work on a once loved hobby.


I would be hard pressed to say that three days is really enough time to properly detox but I guess take what you can get and run with it right? Glad you are feeling good at least! I wrote a post about this a few days ago might be helpful will link here Leigh's Guide to Crush Cravings: Part.1

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Hey Leigh they sent me home with Ativan to get me through the next 2 days but the initial 3 went so well they thought I was good to be discharged. I’ll check it out. Thank you!

My blood pressure and pulse have been so bad as a drinker I’ve avoided coffee, but it’s getting back down to a normal level and I’d love to go back! Thank you for the tips!

I’m not sure I understand? It was a detox program they offer at a local hospital.

You have to ask yourself what are you trying to escape from by drinking? Then whatever that is you have to focus on solving that issue.
You are the only person who can help you.


Find a meeting. Go to multiple ones that are different. When you find one that works best for you make it your home group but don’t be afraid to stay away from the other meetings as well. If a program doesn’t work, find some sober buddies. Learn your triggers. Learn how to cope with those triggers. Learn a proper diet and get some exercise. It won’t be easy in the beginning but I lived a much more satisfying and happier life sober than I ever did drinking

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