Let myself down

Have drunk twice this weekend. Firstly after an exam that I had been dreading on Friday and again yesterday on mothering Sunday. It seems happy occasions are a trigger for me and I’m unsure how to handle this in the future. I feel dreadful this morning, so guilty! I felt the same after Fridays relapse so not sure why I went on the drink again yesterday :pensive:have rest my counter after 1month and 23days. So cross with myself!


Me too. Sat night music, and wine. I’m so weak that I just can’t split the two at the moment. I can go all week and not touch a drop but Saturday night is impossible. Sunday drinks for Mother’s day too this week. I feel crappy thus morning. Reset. I’m away next weekend so I know I’m not going to be able to go into pubs and not drink. One day at a time for me. Once I gave mastered the no drinking through the week, I will work on the Saturday nights.

Not sure what to tell you Ruby. Don’t beat your self up and just start again. I had two sips of beer Friday and I tried to order my favourite wine on mothering Sunday but as fate was smiling they didn’t have it in and I found the strength to not order a different bottle otherwise I would be feeling like you today. All we can do is keep trying x

@Ruthy please take your relapses as a learning experience. Don’t beat yourself up. Love yourself into change…you’ll have more success. What would you tell a friend going through the same thing? You are now aware of some of your triggers. I would suggest starting a sobriety journal…write down your triggers in one column and what to do instead in another column next to each trigger (ex: trigger: a holiday/ instead: invite a friend out to lunch or coffee, trigger: stress/ instead: go for a walk) Also, make a long list of everything you enjoy or used to enjoy and use it as motivation (ex: a bubble bath, a hot cuppa tea in my favorite cup, listening to music, crafts, riding a bicycle) Get creative and be kind to yourself…that’s where the magic happens. :slight_smile:
Same goes for you @Brave. It’s not about weakness. It has everything to do with changing old patterns and creating new ones. Keep walking forward and be willing to change people, places, and things (you don’t belong in a pub right now.) Walking into a pub is like walking into a barber shop and not getting a haircut. Eventually you will.


Thanks @Melrm.

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Thanks for the advice @Melrm, I think I’ll have a go at the sobriety journal. It’s definitely a positive way of dealing with my feelings today and will hopefully help me steer away from drinking next time I’m tempted. I know I can do this! I have felt like a different person over the past few weeks which is why I feel such a sense of regret I think.
Onwards and upwards!

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@Brave, it was the worst thing I could have done on mothers day! I always feel such a let down to my girls when I drink. I don’t think you’re weak. I think it takes a strong person to admit to having a problem with alcohol when it is used by the majority of people in our society (or so it feels).


Well done you! I’m trying to be positive and move on. Posting on here and reading people’s replies has helped so Thanks!

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I have to agree . Everyone thinks it’s just normal to drink all of the time. I don’t. I feel do much better when I don’t drink in the week at the moment. My problem is that I can’t just have one drink once I start.


I can definitely relate. My first reaction to something good happening or accomplishing something is to have a drink. That reaction can be very difficult to break. What you have to do is to stop thinking of alcohol as a reward. You get to choose something else to be a reward! Make a plan ahead of time. For instance - after a hard day I have decided that some sparkling cider (perhaps with some fresh fruit) in a fancy wine glass is my reward.

For some reason dealing with hardship is easier for me to get through than accomplishments. Perhaps I’ve spent more time conditioning my brain to handle these triggers more effectively. I think the solution is to choose something extra special as a reward for accomplishments. Perhaps an at home facial? A special dinner? A long luxurious bath? The fun part is that you get to choose. But designate something ahead of time so you can say NO to the drink and have an alternative reward ready instead. Because let’s be real…a hangover is no reward lol. :blush:

Stay strong! You CAN do this!


@MissQuinn sound advice! It was a bit of a shock feeling such a strong craving after getting my exam out of the way. I think next time I will definitely plan some kind of treat in advance. I’m feeling more positive this evening. I know I need to forgive and forget!

You know its strange, Ive noticed when I relapse Its due to something happy, first my birthday, then this time it was my anniversary.Ive been through some very rough times and gotten past them sober.If you find a way through this one let me know because Im a little confused with myself about it as well.
As soon as I break my sobriety due to some happy event Im right back to drinking for just about any reason or none at all.


Reat advice @MissQuinn. I’m drinking my body weight in coffee at the moment. I can’t even have wine in the house or I have ridiculous urges to drink it. Funny enough there are three bottles of Aspel cider in my fridge and I haven’t wanted to drink them at all- it’s the demon wine! Thursday today, no groggy feelings and feeling good. I’m taking your advice on board x