Member badge achievement

10 days sober today after the most tempting weekend! It was full of booze temptation- I even went on a pub crawl with friends Saturday night and kept to my guns.

It wasn’t the drink I needed but only good company. I had to stop using as an excuse.

After an exusting 10 days I am now officially a member.

I remember being so insomniac when this started now I can’t stop being sleepy!
Any ideas on the switch around?
Maybe my body’s healing. Idk.


That’s great. Pub crawl, that was pretty brave! (but I wouldn’t temp that too many times!)

I don’t think I could have done a pub crawl either… :expressionless:Maybe some day… Lol!
Keep it up! You’ve got this! :blush:

…oh @Cactus people have discussed sleep a lot here, not my issue, buy search the forum for “sleep” or “tired” you’ll see some recent topics.

It must be an advantage for me to do this as my age…pub crawls are soooo in the past. I just have to get through evenings watching television with a bottle of wine. LOL

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Check out PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome)

Great job! Be strong… You can do it! I just started my journey here and I think the future is bright!