Need motivation

HI all. I am only on day two. Really ready to kick alcohol in the butt! Any advice or tips throw them my way please. I am ready to be sober for good. Really like this app so far. Thanks in advance for any advice.


I really can’t wait to get through day 2 one day. My pattern is to have a great day 1, most of day 2 and then mess it up. :angry: I know what I am supposed to do, but I ignore those good thoughts. Anyway, thanks for your post. I like finding friends here in the same boat.


Hey @Charlie_C, you’re doing better than a lot of us were - you’re sober 50% of the time!
And that’s not a bad start.


Just do it and make plans to stay busy and find a replacement beverage to drink such as tea, soda, anything. Smart recovery has online meetings which are great also. It won’t be easy, but will get easier! Do it.


My real issue is, and my wise sponsor reminds me, that I don’t want it bad enough. I agree with him. I need to remember that alcohol is trying trick me every time and make me think I am ok.

F you alcohol! Congrats on day 2 and welcome @StephN.

What helped me in the beginning was going to meetings and reading lots of books related to alcoholism. I drank sparkling water and iced tea and cried a lot. Expect the feels full force and take care of yourself! I also ate lots of sugar and coffee to help with the cravings. Stay full, stay busy, get connected to a community who will happily keep you in check.

And keep posting!


Yes! What @Elisabeth said. She’s smart :wink:


I find myself in 7-10 day pattern. Really kicking myself, after my last binge. My sleep was almost normal, I was back to 85-90% me. This time will be the one i commitment to. I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of picking up the pieces after I drink.

Day 1 and 2 just stay as busy as you can. Create a routine, go do something even if your not feeling it.

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Follow the suggestions

Something I’ve heard helps is a handful of m&ms and an old fashioned root beer…something about sugar helps reduce the physical cravings but until some footwork has been done with the steps the mental obsession will remain…follow suggestions…mtgs,sponsor,service work,stepwork,reach out to the fellowship,avoid people places and things


I completely get it because I had tried without success so many times over so many years, but one day, I just said I am completely done with this lifestyle. Basically, I think Tony Robbins says that you make change when the pain exceeds the pleasure. I am not sure if this applies to you, but it makes sense to me. This is just my experience and I’m on like day 94ish. I used to never even drink for 15 years because I wasn’t a drinker, so I’m trying to switch back.

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Thank you @Don_Cocan solid advice
Contempt prior to investigation?

I’m on day seven today. This is the longest I have been without a drink in probably five years. I didn’t take the sugar suggestion seriously in the past because I worried about weight gain. This time, when I feel like drinking, I have some sugar or coffee. It helps! There is a lot of sugars in most alcoholic drinks. When we cut that out, our bodies are not happy. For at least 30 days, I am not going to beat myself up over calories and give my body what it needs to get through this. Keep going, one day - one hour at a time!:relaxed:


You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for the advice. I really had no idea about the sugar, great tip. I am a binge drinker. For years I have been trying to quit. When I drink I go all out I drink til I can’t stop. Then wake up with no memory of the disaster. I am a wreck after this last one. I am so sick and damn tired of falling on that to help me through when all it does is make my life more hell. My husband has stuck by me all these years of saying okay last time… I even went almost 2 years sober. I hate alcohol right now. BUT I know soon that will alter in my head. I don’t want to ever drink again. I am so tired of it. I will fight as hard as I can to stay sober for good this time. I am done… but I am not strong. I will need ever bit of help along the way and for once I am going to take it. I am not going to push it under the rug as I always have like it doesn’t exist. Thank you all for the advice and for letting me vent :slight_smile:


One day at a time @StephN

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I have SO been where you are…over and over and over! I too have such a wonderful husband who stays by me every time “it’s the last time”. I do believe, however, that even the most special people like our husbands will one day have enough. The pain of seeing what it does to us and the monster it changes us into will be too great for them. My husband told me “I love my beautiful wife until about 5pm. And then I strongly dislike the woman who stays until she passes out”. How’s that for a wake up call?? And even that didn’t wake me up. It took me hearing this from him, “I don’ know hun”. And I asked, about what? His reply, “Us”. It was then I knew that I actually could lose the best thing that ever happened to this sorry life! My AA meetings, my sober friends, and this forum keep me alive…they are literally keeping me alive. We will be here for you during the dark times and the light. Know you can turn to this forum and one of the strugglers on this trek will always reach out a helping hand. Take care StephN, and keep coming back :relaxed:


You made me cry! Thank you do much. I know you are so right. One day it will be too much. To be honest I am so lucky he us still with me but my main reason for wanting to be sober for good is for my kids. I don’t want them to grow up with a drunk for a mama.Even if it’s only once a month or so that oneday is too much for anyone. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of alcohol. I am going to do everything I can to stay sober for good. So thankful for this forum and pepole like you who have been there. I don’t feel so alone in this. Thank you!


Hi and welcome @StephN. Be proud of your decision to stop! Here is a useful thread on getting through early recovery:

(Surviving Alcohol Withdrawal/Early Sobriety Techniques)

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Thank you!