Need to end this

I like the advice I heard at a meeting last week to “talk the drink all the way through.” Where will you buy the drink? What will happen as you drink that drink? After you finish that drink, will you feel any better? What will happen next?? Will that really be it, or will you go out and buy a whole bottle? How will that make you feel if you do? Etc.


Right now, it’s 5.43 pm in my local time zone and I buried myself in work, I could do another 6 hour sprint to get ahead my working schedule. Honestly, I feel the cravings right now, I was out for a run for half an hour, it was really nice to breathe the fresh air. Damn it, I feel it rising up, but I don’t know why, all I can think of is the taste of an ice cold beer (I live in Europe, so the beer tastes really frickin’ good :D) … sorry for my sarcastic sense of humor.

@vsue thank you very much, I agree :slight_smile: @kareness yeah, this is really a good advice, love it! @Oliverjava true, I know instantly, that I am about to drink at minimum 4 to 6 drinks …

I’ve been getting a lot of cravings too but I’m trying to stay busy and focused. I want to stay sober and feel better. Some of those cravings make me feel weak but I know it’s normal. One day at a time and all of this will pass.

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hm … fucked it up, got 2 drinks tonight - not feeling anything, got rid of my booze, feeling kind of dumb right now -.- got nothing out of the drinks, really - didn’t feel anything good, so I stopped.

Got 9 drinks yesterday … :confused: Crawled in my bed, slept with my clothes on … damn it. I have to get my shit together, I’m sick of this.

@Andy Really try to just focus on today. Forget yesterday now, and don’t worry if you will drink tomorrow. Wake up and say “I will not drink today”. The only drink you have to not have is the first one, then there won’t be a 2nd or 9th. Please don’t give up.

This is what I posted on another thread yesterday:

Anyone resetting frequently has to ask themselves…

Have I fully committed yet?
What can I do differently this time?
What support or mental tools can I add in besides the forum? For example…
inpatient treatment
outpatient treatment
Dr. consult maybe with medications
AA and other fellowships
daily self-care

Also I would recommend spending some time studying relapse prevention and how to deal with cravings. Some good resources are in these posts:

(Different Aspects of Recovery)

(Different Aspects of Recovery)

I am in no way implying that I am “above” relapsing - far from it! I’m working at it all too.


Thank you very much @JohnSee :slight_smile: It takes so much pressure off my shoulders, now that I can speak about it. I will never give up!


Hi @Andy Andy,
I know it feels hopeless right now, but we have all been there. There IS a way out! What has worked for me is joining AA, getting a sponsor, and using this forum to get me through. This forum has helped me more than I thought possible, but it’s not enough. AA is the program I needed. I’m only on day 21 and still vulnerable to the first drink, but I have tools I can use to get through as @JohnSee said.

Take some time and find a program, group, support system that works for your. For me, being accountable to my sponsor, my AA home group, and the people out here had made all the difference. I’ve been relapsing since 2012. We don’t claim perfection at this, just progress!

Stay strong, we are here for you!


Thank you so much @Roga :slight_smile: I knew, I shouldn’t say this, but I had my first drink couple hours ago :confused: I’ve come to a point where I am shaking a little bit - never thought it would be that serious.

@Andy I totally understand where you are. Before this sober time for me, I would wake up and continue drinking rum and coke at 6:30am in the hopes it would make me feel better. It made the day SO much worse.

Have you thought about medical detox and rehab? You might need that level of help in addition to this wonderful group. You may want to research that. We will always be here for you. Try to commit to not drinking for the next hour or two. Keep checking in here. You can do this. Be brave, that is my motto.


Well … @Roga … Your story is really moving, thank you for sharing it with me (us). I never got this far, but I guess that it’s a blink of a second away right now. I have made the commitment to myself that I won’t drink tomorrow, wrote a letter to myself with every regret and personal stuff in it … We’ll see, I won’t disappoint myself :confused:

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Today for example. Just one random feeling of a panic attack (at 12:30 lunch time) while cleaning–“just one can of beer” bc I didn’t want to take the xanax bc of yet another addiction, has turned into 3 beers with a headache :face_with_head_bandage: nutrition goal for the day down the effin drain and ashamed
You are not alone
I have No answers except you are not alone


You hang with us @Andy we are all right where you are. I just had an argument with someone that in the past would send me straight to the bottle. I felt pretty bad, but didn’t immediately think of the drink. Instead, I logged on here and started reading others’ posts. I forgot about my trivial anger moments and saw that other people really needed help (and so do I!). I read their posts, replied to a few and felt better.

Later today, I’ll get with that person after a cooling off period and see if we can work it out. In the past, by the time the other person cools off, I’m raving drunk.

Think I’ll head to Dunkin Donuts for an iced coffee and Big Book reading, always makes me feel better. Hang tough and take care! :relaxed:


Thank you so much for your honesty <3 I am really ashamed of my “problems” when I am aware of the other stories around here … :frowning:

I will! I just want to quit, god damn it!


That’s the spirit!!! Get yourself a treat when you meet your goal today…even if the goal was not to drink for an hour, or three hours, or whatever! When you reward yourself, you’ll start to feel good about your commitment to this new way of life. I am looking forward to my 30 day mark…coming up in 10 days! I can’t believe it might happen. It’s been almost ten years since I’ve been able to stay sober this long. One day at a time…sometimes, one hour at a time!

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Wow - that’s awesome! I fell very stupid, handled my problem 3 years since now, you are wayyyy much better off with your spirit! Congratz to you! :slight_smile: But yes, I will reward myself :slight_smile:

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Hi @Jbishop one other thing, if possible try not to keep an alcohol in the house/apt. It depends of course on your living situation. But it adds another buffer between yourself and a drink if you have to go and buy it. This was also recommended in the program I am in. I have literally thrown out beers and flushed vodka - or had my wife do it for me - say after a house party.

Beautifully said! <3

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Sucks when the husband drinks
But he said he will limit it to only during the weekends and keep it in the outside fridge
We will see tho he doesn’t think I truly have a problem

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