New to this struggle

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Oh gawd the first few nights after quitting are horrible. I would be freezing and sweating at the same time. My head was a fog for about 5 days (mostly because when I drink I binge drink) and I can hardly eat anything. It gets better!! I wouldn’t sleep for the first couple nights either. I would actually lay there and grit my teeth and for some reason I would get a song in my head and repeat the same chorus for hours. I would almost drive me crazy. I swear it gets way better. You got this!! Stick it out and you’ll see how amazing you are going to feel :slight_smile:

Hey huns! I’m on day 4 now but dreading the weekend :pensive: Saturday night was always my worst. Knew it had to stop when it kept going into Sunday morning…
But to echo others here, just imagine how good it’ll feel when you begin to feel that strength! Sounds cliché but that self belief is so imperative :heart:
And a hangover with kids is damn hard!! Doable but hard. I’ve always maintained the fact that my drinking has never got in the way of my responsibility to my daughter, but it doesn’t half make it difficult!
Depression and drinking are a vicious cycle and one is fuelled by/fuels the other, once you kick booze up the ass then it’ll help you be stronger to fight your depression. You might not feel it now but you will find the strength :heart:

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@Shattered_dreams. Excellent post. The article is exactly the method used by allen carr. I went last June and gave up for 3 months…I lost 15kg in weight and felt fine. Then relapsed as I thought I didn’t have a problem. I am sat here tired out. I wake up every day saying I don’t want this and that is my human brain. My booze brain or animal brain kicks in in the afternoon and by 6pm I’m drinking. I even go to the shop thinking I don’t want to do this. I am a teacher…an athletics coach…a runner. None of it ties in with drink. I find it anaethetised my life. We only have one life guys. I’m going for it. You all have a life to live and I wish you all the best in getting out the trap.


I hear you man! I was a dedicated athlete in HS. Still hitting the gym 5 days a week. Hungover you can imagine how my workouts go.

Another good read is “The Naked Mind control alcohol”. Annie Grace.


Thanks @Shattered_dreams

Similar as Allen Carr, but approaches it with the theory that you can control alcohol, after you recover but you will not want to.

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@Comingtoterms This horrible withdrawal and detox, these horrible thoughts and shame, beating yourself up and feeling alone…remember it…because once you are on the other side of it, You never have to feel this way again. This will be part of your story and will only make you stronger. Yes! You can do this! Take care of yourself like you have the flu- get plenty of rest, rehydrate with water, eat small, light meals, take a bubble bath…let your body and mind start to heal. What you are feeling is completely normal and you aren’t alone in this.

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Hi @Comingtoterms and welcome! I can definitely relate. I couldn’t wait for that glass (bottle) of wine as soon as I put my son to sleep. It was like I was running into the kitchen immediately. There are a lot of other mothers on this forum who understand the struggle. Here is a link to the topic. Please feel free to join in. We are all here to support each other. The first few days are the hardest. Stay strong!

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Oh my goodness. Thank you so much. I feel like it’s a hush hush topic and it feels like your the only one because of that. This day is always the hardest well this day and through the weekend for me.

Thank you. You have no idea how much all this positivity means to me. I’m not ready for AA or to admit this publicly at the moment so this was my first step. You are all incredible

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Thank you bev91. It is truly the hardest thing I wanted allowed myself to get wrapped in. I’ve had depression since I was a kid and an addictive personality for forever. But this year has been almost drinking myself to Oblivion everynight. I am ready to change but not sure how long I can convince myself of it. Thank you all for your support

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You are very welcome! :slight_smile: You inspired me to make a thread dedicated to early sobriety techniques. Check it out for some tips on how to get through these first few days!

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I appreciate all your advice and quick commenting. I was up until 5 am and then had to shower in a cold shower because of the sweats. My husband, is understably done but hopes I’ll get better, he just doesn’t have much hope. That makes it hard but I can’t blame him. I’ve lied every night for a year saying I wanted to get better but really I was waiting for a drink. Your comment literally made it so I could stop crying last night because I just don’t talk about it to anyone. I will follow up on your advice. Hopefully I can make it through this weekend

Tim. I feel so deeply what you said about your booze brain. I’ve tried to explain this to my husband. that I’m not trying to lie because my regular brain doesn’t want to drink. But 8 o clock comes and my kids are in bed and I have to deal with myself and I’m back drinking till I’m wasted and can sleep and live with myself because that’s what my booze brain wanted. I hope you get through this day by day and thank you for commenting

Ksapp I absolutely do the same thing. Last night I was trying to sleep until 5 am just repeating the same thing I needed to do the next day in my head and wanting to scream. Thank you for your advice and support. It means so much. I hope I can be strong through this weekend.

I highly suggest you make a bunch of plans to spend quality time with your family this weekend. Go see a movie, go to the zoo, go to a museum, go to the library, etc. It will be meaningful, you’ll stay out of your own head, and you’ll stay so busy…you’ll be exhausted.

We do all that honestly. Every weekend is for them and all day were busy. Night is my problem. I have always had problems sleeping even before this. No matter how little sleep I get or how exhausting the day is. I want to drink and can stay up late. If I force myself to just be in bed, I’ll do it. Even if it means not sleeping

Maybe it’s time to visit the dr and address some underlying issues. I was dealing with severe depression and anxiety and needed the extra help in my recovery