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14 days AND I went to a family wedding and didn’t touch a drop :dancer:


OH HELL YEAH! Great job !

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I’ve had a tough couple of weeks. I’m in a new job and felt out of my depth. Emotionally I’ve not been feeling top of my game, not sleeping well. Exacerbated by an encounter with my ex earlier in the week, belittling and verbally abusing me. I’m not going to lie, it occurred to me to have “just the one glass of wine”, but I recognised it for the lie it was. I took time to feel my feelings instead: anger, humiliation, confusion, frustration, shame, sadness. And when those had washed over me, pity. For him, not me. It’s now Friday night and I made a dash to the grocery store this evening for… drumroll… almond milk for hot chocolate!


Great job @AdaB - sounds like you’ve got booze brain sussed out!

I hope so @Charlesfreck. Previous attempts at sobriety have seen me fall on my arse at this stage, so I’m being mindful. A friend brought me a bottle of wine today as a thank you gift and I sent her home with it. I was just honest and told her I hadn’t drank in over 30 days and if I opened a bottle of wine to have a glass I’d drink the lot!


Anyone who writes ‘this relapse business is behind me’ has the right attitude to kick booze’s arse. Especially with the amount of crap you’ve just faced. Great going!

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You are doing a great job. One day at a time.

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Well done. I am happy for you and your kids.

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