Tips for Alcohol Detox?

Day 4, and I wake up with an enormous headache, my whole body feels gross, and I’m craving a big old glass of beer. I guess this is the infamous detox I have heard so much about? Yeah, I don’t like it! :yum:

Does anyone have any tips on how to make the detoxing process from alcohol suck less? I understand if I just need to power through, but I’d love a quick fix (that isn’t alcohol, of course).

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Lots of hot quiet showers and remembering I can eat whatever I want the first week, I hit day 15 today and I can honestly say I feel great, stay strong and just remember all the dumb things that happen when you were drinking it won’t happen no more!!!


I’m on day 3 and so far I am just staying as busy as I can as to not think about drinking. How and when does the withdrawals start and end?

Its so different for everyone, how much you used, how long you have been using for, what you used all play a part in determining the detox process. and some minor withdrawal symptoms last quite a while, but these are tolerable, (PAWS) Staying hydrated was huge for me, and trust your body, if you need professional help get it. Being that your on day 3 thats unlikely. I know I dont personally know you, but in my opinion we are all so very much alike and you are a miracle, 3 days is huge, its the toughest part and you have made it! so major congratulations to you and just remember each day will get better, some days will be trying in the future but your worst day sober will still be better than your best day drunk or high. So hooray for you on 72 hours!!


Hydrate. Take B vitamins. Don’t deny your sugar cravings. Listen to something that requires active listening like an audio book or podcast. Walk. Take naps. Each one of these is meant to address a specific symptom of detox.


I’m detoxing as well …not fun. I will try to share this from another thread…several nutrients I went and bout and started taking about 4 days ago and I definitely feel a huge improvement!!
If you go this route just make sure you check for any interactions with any medications you take…specifically antidepressants with the amino acids…just do a little research to be safe.
Addictions strip our bodies of everything good for so long…replacing it helps clear out the poison and start the healing. For me it has really made a difference.

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This is super helpful! In a way, I am grateful for the detox symptoms, because I was in denial about how bad my problem was for so long. This is a reminder that what I am doing really does make a huge difference to my body. I already put a lot of this advice into practice! Thanks everyone!!


As much as it sucks, and it definitely did for me, but exercise helps. I’ve cold turkeyed from opiates a couple times and barely could standup, but if I could get even a little exercise in it would help. Hydration definitely helps too. Also if you have time for it sleep as much as possible. When I detoxed I didn’t sleep for 6-7 days and it was one of the worst parts. A good multivitamin is good for energy.

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