What do you do for a living and how has sobriety affected your work life?

I know a lot of us may have already shared in our introduction on what we do for a living. But just in case you missed it or want to elaborate more. What do you do for a living and how has your sobriety affected your work life?

I’m a hospital eligibility advocate. I work for Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. I help determine if patients, that are uninsured or underinsured, are eligible for programs such as Medicaid, SSI, disability, HIV programs, Crime Victims Compensation, substance abuse programs, hospice care, etc. I’ve been in this type of healthcare for 7 years. It can be challenging at times but it’s definitely rewarding to be able to help others in need.

I’m 37 now and I’ve been a functioning alcoholic for the past 10 years. Prior to this job 7 years ago it was difficult for me to keep a job because I would call in “sick” or be late all the time. But with this job I have found so much joy and I’ve “grown up” despite being an alcoholic. I’m 12 days into recovery today and so far I have noticed I have more energy at work, I feel better about my performance, I’m not hungover during 8am meetings, I come home and still have enough energy to go for a jog instead of falling asleep, I have not been late once. I am slowing seeing all the advantages of remaining sober and how it makes me a better person at work. Anyway, so far so good. I hope your sobriety has done the same for you. Hang in there guys!


I work in full time in state government and part time as a real estate agent. Rarely did i ever call in sick to work from hangovers. I always told myself that I deserve to suffer through the day because of my careless actions the night before. For the most part, that kept me from drinking too much thru the week. But it was Mondays that really got me. I work mon thru thurs, 4-10hr days. So thurs thru Sunday i would drink…a lot! Stop Monday, withdraws mon thru wed, severe depression, and very lil sleep. Thursday start feeling better and repeat. It’s crazy! I’m on day 11 alcohol free and i feel great. Except for the desire to drink. But this too shall pass.


I have the pleasure of managing a restaurant. By pleasure I mean challenge lol. I’ve worked in the food service industry for 6 years and I might as well work at the liquor store. I have had over 10 jobs in 6 years from calling out so many times until I learned in the restaurant industry nobody cares if your fucked up as long as you show up and do your job. It has taken me ALOT of experiences to finally be able to work in this industry sober. However it is do-able and God has provided me a wonderful position in a good restaurant.


I am a cosmetologist. I have done hair, makeup, waxing jobs over the past 6 years.Sometimes drunk or hungover.
My husband and I took over a family business so now I run the store. I actually closed down the shop one day because I was too hungover and heard about 7 people try to come in.so embarassing.
I am now able to go to bed early and wake up early.I am here the entire day, and get alot more done.
I am choosing to eat healthy all day instead of greasy fast food(which I always choose drunk or hungover) and my body is starting to feel GREAT.I don’t hurt and I’m loving it. Today will be day 12…wow that just looks weird to type.


Wish i gelt that good at the 12 day mark i am on day 18nand have no energy and still have terrible tremors

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@Zeus everyone’s body is different but I did a 3 day cleanse over the weekend so i believe it helped.I also have a sensitive stomach which I know the alcohol was making worse, so when I eat bad its really painful.I wish you luck through the tough times, the good times will come.


@zeus doing yourself and all of us proud!!! Nearly at 3 week mark congrats!!! Hang in there buddy :laughing::laughing::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::comet::comet:


I still have it counting it in hours as thats how i have felt it… every hour of it. Today my shakes are the best they have been yet and are only in my legs neck and arms. I am on the way out i reckon. 497 hours down… life to go!