1 week without cocaine 👌

Drinking makes me do stupid things, like taking cocaine. Something I’d never done sober. But the last 6 months or so I’ve been doing it pretty much soberish. Like maybe 2 or 3 drinks. Not a whole bottle like before. My ex partner told my 15 yo and 12yo last weekend i do coke! I’ve never felt so embarrassed in my life and a complete mess and failure. It’s bad, but i understand why he told them. He wanted to shock me into doing something about it. And it worked. So here i am.


Its so hard. I have about 9 hours under my belt… i need to kick it for good this time. Hoping this app helps


Thank you! You 2 well done! It is really hard. I’ve only been clean 8/9 days so all i can say is keep busy. When them cravings come just get up and do something/anything and it will eventually pass. And then you feel so good. Keep positive you can do it. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Still sober. Having to deal with lossing friends and people being mad at me/hating me for what ive done… but im jist trying to stay positice and sober

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