1 year baby!

I appreciate it. Thank you

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Happy 1 Year! So inspiring!!! Congratulations!

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Great news! Congratulations!

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Fantastic work! Congratulations on your 1 year sobriety :partying_face::boom:

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Fantastic! It is definitely worth a big pat on the back.

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Congratulations @RyanMn.

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Congrats to you

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Thank you soo much. 13 months yesterday

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Thank you so much. I hit 13 months yesterday

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Congratulations!! Thatā€™s fantastic!

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Thank you. It feels amazing

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Congratulations on one year brother. Keep on truckin on!

Congrats to you.

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Congratulations thatā€™s so awesome!!! Iā€™m right behind you lol 10 months tomorrowā€¦.seeing posts like this inspires me and shows me it is possible. Thanks for sharing this amazing milestone!

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Thank you so much!! Keep up the good work. Where are you from?

I congratulate you. This is an important achievement, but it is not the end point. Our recovery is a process and it is repeated every day :v:t3:

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Huge congratulations. What an incredible feeling. So happy for you! :+1:

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The middle of the Pacific Oceanā€¦Hawaii

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I bet its amazing. Iā€™m in the complete opposite up in Minnesota