100 Sundays

Today is actually an obscure but pretty big deal for me. Today is the 100th Sunday I woke up sober (in a row). Why it is such a big deal is for the longest time, probably years, I worried, fretted, contemplated and needlessly scared myself from even trying it and that was to live a Saturday much less a weekend sober. I just could not wrap my head around living a whole weekend day sober. How was I supposed to de-stress from the chaos of work, kids, life and Saturday was THE day, my day to relax and unwind. Without alcohol?? No freaking way!! Makes me want to laugh and cry. It’s so easy now and in fact I could not imagine not waking up sober on a Sunday, there is no way I would ever want to feel how I felt those Sunday mornings, only to immediately start drinking again to wipe away the nausea and agony of way too many the night before. If you are wondering or struggling get more help, ask for help, just do it. It won’t get better unless you do stop and you would not be here if you could make it better on your own. Just do it, you will some day write this same thing if you do.