125 Days Sober

125 days without alcohol today. Feel so much better in so many ways, in EVERY way. I’ve been at several events where I was the only one not drinking and I would swear I had the best time of anyone. Clear head and good conversation beats drunk and embarrassing every time! :slightly_smiling_face:
Never going back … too much to do, too little time to let alcohol steal half of it away from me.
Best regards to all and stay strong!


Congrats on 125 days! That’s awesome! I’ve felt the same way in the few instances recently where I’ve been in a social setting around other people drinking. I’m grateful every day for my sobriety.


Congrats!! That’s awesome!!

too much to do
I was thinking about this yesterday. I am finding so much to keep me busy. Being hungover several times a week didn’t allow me to do much of anything


Congratulations!!! :ok_hand::clap:t2::clap:t2::two_hearts:

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This resonates with me, makes me wonder how I managed to live on the red all the time. Makes me wanna hug my past self.

Great work everyone! :raised_hands:


I’m still one day behind ya. Good on ya.

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Haha. Excellent work!