I have been struggling with alcohol addiction for over a decade now. All of my family drank…all my friends drank…we all have a problem, so why not have the problem together? (Our troubled way of thinking) seemed logical. I have made terrible decisions while drinking. Saying the stupidest things. Alcohol has caused me and my husband a 2nd seperation. Caused a dwi that was eye opening yet very expensive. I never could just have 1…it turned into like 9 or more. Less family members drink now as the years go by. I stay up late at night drinking…we would hurry to the corner store just before beer sales stop at midnight so we could keep drinking into the morning. I recently went to church and something in me just clicked. I don’t have to be drunk…it’s ok NOT to drink. I figured out what was not working for me…and deleted it. Alcohol is poison. I don’t know how to behave when I’m drinking. So why do it at all? I fear that this hatred for alcohol and the euphoria of sobriety is only temporary and I’ll go back to my old ways. The longest I have ever gone sober is once before I made it 14 days…so here I am again. I feel great being sober minded so far. This is my milestone. My brother is at 11 months. My bff has 16 days. Wish me luck peeps!
Good for you! I’m at 14 days too! My family all drinks as well, usually quite to excess. I’m dreading that part of the holidays. But we can do this!
Good luck, you got this!
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Thank you for sharing @Tbitt.80 and congratulation With staying strong and belive you got this ! Find your power and hang on to it do whatever you can to stay sober embrase life