159 days sober, craving wine!

Ugh I’m really struggling! I don’t want my kids to see me fail and my husband would not be happy! I just started an amazing job a couple months ago and I feel like my mental health is better then it’s been in a long time. I already know waking up with a hangover would suck so bad but… I feel like if nobody would find out, I would definitely down a bottle of wine. Damn I hope this craving passes soon!


No, no, no!!!
Put that thought out of your mind right now!!!
You would wake up tomorrow and be so mad at yourself for throwing away your days to start over.
Hang in there and try listening to music, watching tv, reading, etc.


it will pass. pour yourself a glass of lemon water or something tasty.


I’ve already had 4 cans of diet cherry Pepsi today lol they’re my favorite


I drink diet cherry Pepsi or Coke.
Whichever is on sale that week :smile:

Or Grapefruit sparkling water

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Cravings coffee and go. Breathe through it.

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Hang in there Julses, don’t let it win.

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I’ve been drinking tonic water (diet tonic water, actually).
I’ve found the bite, or sharpness, of the flavor is similar to the sensory experience of alcohol. Kind of.
It’s gotten me through my first 18 days.

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At 5 months sober, the cravings are all in your head. What is it that is driving this craving?

I found that when I had a craving, it was HALT (hungry, angry, lonely or tired). Most times it was hunger, but not always. Whatever was driving the craving, I took care of and it went away.

Whatever you do, dont give in. Good luck!


Be careful how much tonic you consume, quinine is no joke.

Been there. I know exactly how you feel. In my experience the craving does pass. And thinking about how disappointed my kids and husband would be definitely keeps me from picking up again. But if I was single or lived with someone who was still drinking I think I’d be resetting my counter lots of times. Hang in there. I’m hoping one day the thoughts about drinking finally leave me. But even if they don’t I’m going to stay sober.

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159 days is no small feat. Hang in there! I am 37 days sober after a relapse that lasted over a year. I thought picking up once wouldn’t hurt, it did. You can do this.