16 days forever sober

Whewhoooo im doin it, I am almost 17 days sober. I used my grief for strength cuz my son was the strongest person ive ever known. He would be so proud vs so mad at being an alcoholic cuz of him. I sleep better now too. Cry less for sure. I love bding alcohol free. Ya just gotta go thru detkx like a boss n nor a bitch n ride it out!! You either wanna drink or you dont! 4 me it was just that thank God, amen. I prayed for it to be that way and my faith let it be. Your either weak bitch or your not when it comes down to it. Im not goin down a weak ass bitch lol Honestly people, God and only God is why im forever sober now. Look to God, its ok to ask him for help. Good luck to everyone…