16 days sober then 2 beers tonight

So I managed 16 days sober and in that time I’ve been avoiding my friends. I felt strong enough to see my friend tonight and brought along a packet of green tea. I thought that drinking alot of caffeine would help me be upbeat while he drank beer. I ended up drinking two beers and then went back to the tea. I’ve been able to do this on occasion and not binge drink through the night but I feel it lulls me into a false sense of security and then I’ll let loose and go crazy for a 12-16 hour binge. I’m reseting my sober meter and going to try again. I’m going back to England for the summer holidays soon and worried about seeing my friends and alcoholic father. I don’t want to binge ever again but don’t know if I’m strong enough to just have one or two. We will see. Thanks for listening to this rant. Good luck everyone on your own struggles.


I get what you mean, thanks for sharing. It’s SO easy to slip back into our patterns and get right back at It. You had a great start, bringing your own beverage. That really saves me when I bring something of my own and have a plan. Next time!

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