18 months today and my story

Hey guys. I’m Courtney and I’m an addict/alcoholic. I have 18 months sober today! WoW!
I have read a lot of posts this morning and it really got me reflecting back on these 18 months and the past 5 years. I can remember when I first got sober. I was mostly a mess and didnt know what to do. And to top that, I was broken. People I loved were mad at me and I had no one to turn to really. And I surely didnt know how to live life sober! I knew I just couldnt live life like that anymore… so I did something different! But a little back story first…
It wasnt my first go round, as I have been in and out of recovery for 5 long years! Yes, 5… But I just didnt get the hang of it then… first off I was forced by the law, so I wasnt doing it for myself. But by being forced into rehab, they planted the seed of recovery in my head. So for 5 years, I had been to rehab 6 times, detox 5 times, iop (intensive outpatient program) 5 times, and nothing was working bc I didnt give it a chance to work. I was hopeless so i drank and used and drank and used. I would get a few months sobriety here and there, but never long term. I ended up getting a DUI shortly after rehab one stay, and I’m very lucky i didnt kill myself or someone else. I had taken a lot of benzos and opioids and smoked some and drank earlier that day. I was a fucking mess! I was fucked up for 2 days, you cant do that if you try! The hospital said I overdosed but I was in a blackout, so yea guess that happened. So yea, that’s where I was. The last time in rehab I met a girl and left with her. I moved to Ohio with her and made it a month before I had to call for a ride back home. Rehab relationships, never a good idea! I was a mess then too bc I had to be immediately dropped off at the e.r. so I could detox myself. I walked in the hospital with pariphenalia on me. They didnt like that too much. Shows how fucked up I was! Also I did a lot of things out there that I’m not proud of… I’ve lost apartments, prostituted myself, wrecked cars, trouble with the DEA, lost relationships, lost myself! NOTHING GOOD CAME FROM USING! So needless to say this disease is very progressive! I didnt start out doing all that bad shit… And if you haven’t done some of the things I have, that’s a yet for you. Because I promise you it will only get worse out there.
When is enough, enough? I was tired and miserable and had didnt know what to do. I had nothing to show for years of my life! God bless my parents bc they never gave up on me and took me back in to their home no matter what I did. God was working in my life and I didnt even know it… he kept me alive! I overdosed twice, once I told you guys about the other I didnt. But I’m alive today, and sober!
So 18 months for me today! And I’m alive and well. I attend AA meetings on the regular. I dont go to as many as I like bc work but that’s another story. AA taught me how to live life sober. I have a great support group and sponsor. I work the 12 steps. The steps have changed my life! They have helped me get through all the bad shit ive done. I didnt think id ever be able to forgive myself and others for that matter. I’m a different person today! I can honestly say I’ve changed for the better for once. So cheers to 18 months, no alcohol of course lol.


Congratulations on your 18 months!!

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Congratulations on 18 months and thanks for sharing your story.

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Congratulations @Just4Today…it’s so good reading about your journey and how you are beating this poison :grin:

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Wow, that’s an heart rending journey and an extraordinary recovery!
Thanks for sharing your story.
Congratulations on achieving 18 months sober.
You are an inspiration for others.
God bless you.

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Congratulations! Keep up the good work, one day at a time!

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Thank you for sharing your story.
You overcame alot.
You’re an inspiration to me!!

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