180 days today!

180 days free com cocaine. I am so happy and grateful that I am no longer using and that has open up so may spaces in my life, my energy and focus are on other things. And to think I once thought I could never stop. In this 6 months I got a new job that I really enjoy, I have saved so much money and have gone back to working out and am a lighter and more positive person. I am doing therapy and am frequently going to Buddhist lectures to challenge my many limiting beliefs. One day at a time one addiction at a time, now working on my alcohol addiction, slowly but surely not judging myself, just working compassionately through my issues. Have made a lot of progress and I am very happy about it.


That is such a fantastic and positive post. Well done. Keep the faith. Namaste :pray:

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That’s great!!!

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Thank you! This is more like a new birthday than a milestone. I dearly hold that date to my heart.

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