1st day nerves

I’m 23 days sober, what an incredible feeling to be able to say that after 20+ years of drinking and substance abuse.

Tomorrow I have the first call with my case worker to help me step work, meetings, recovery help and therapy and allmog a sudden I feel nervous, anxious and scared. It’s great that I’m feeling these things because before I’d have just drank till I’m to numb to be worried but it all of a sudden feels like first day of school nerves.

I know how to approach it and I’m going into head on bit did anyone else feel like this when they were getting help or going to meetings or therapy??



doing anything without your crutch (booze) will be scary but it will pass and as time goes on and you meet new sober people your get more confident and then you can help the newcomer who is starting the sobriety journey meetings make it easier wish you well


I think just recognize these uncomfortable feelings, sit with them let them wash over you, acknowledge them but remember that feelings come and go and you don’t have to act on every feeling or thought that comes into your brain. That took me a long time to realize!

Talk kindly to yourself, like if a loved one came to you and told you the same things, how would you speak to them? Speak to yourself the same way, you deserve your love as well! Good luck tomorrow :purple_heart: