1st time seeking help. Where do I go?

Been struggling with porn/masturbation/sex addiction since I was 7. I’m a 27yr old woman now. I’ve tried to stop countless times before, and there was one time I went over 100 days free and clean when I had help from this one site called settingcaptivesfree when they assigned mentors back in college. The mentor was the main thing that helped me along with a couple trusted friends I could talk to and a longterm relationship with a guy who really valued and respected my boundaries. I dont have that anymore. The website from college doesn’t offer mentors anymore. But I really need someone to talk to. I’ve thought there might be an anonymous group that I could talk to that would be good but I literally have no idea where to go or what to do or if it’s free or anything…can someone direct me where to go? Where did you start? What helped you?


Hello, Maybe this link can help you a little.

Just signed up. Thanks. Why on earth didn’t they think of a more subtle name? Definitely turning off email notifications for that now lest my phone gets some reminders at work or something. Haha


There are a lot of sex, porn, Masturbation addicts on here. I’m a pornography addict myself. Stick around. There’s a lot of info on here and people that can help. There are females with sex addictions on here as well.


I quit 15 or so days ago. It’s hard not easy I still get temptation s here and there, but I always look at the positive stuff like a better sex life with my girlfriend, not feeling guilty or shame when I walk out my door, like if someone saw me when I was going strong on my laptop. There are some good videos on YouTube you can check out. Also ask questions here there are alot of people recovering with experience that can guide you in the right direction. Stay strong, positive and don’t look back.


I’m so happy my post got so many replies. Thanks, everyone. I wasnt sure how active this whole forum might be but it seems like people really do check in and are here to support one another with consistently. Thanks for all the replies, everyone. I’ve stopped before, I can stop again. One of your replies said triggers are everywhere, and I totally agree. That’s so true. So many things can catch me off gaurd, and I think not even trying to seek out a community to talk to has kept me thinking I’m much more isolated than I actually am, especially as a woman.


I believe @NealRecoveryCA had a list of resources for sex addicts around here somewhere…


I am always up for chatting. Sex addiction wasn’t my main thing but it was definitely up there and was a big problem that I had to work on and I am still working on.
It’s not something I talk about as much on here just because I use talking sober more for my alcohol addiction but anyone who knows me knows my struggle.
You are more then welcome to message me.


I got you.

Edit: the ones in bold are the online meetings that I know of.


I’ll definitely message you. Thank you!

So helpful. Thank you. As a quick survey, are meetings free usually? Like, do people usually have to pay for a sponsor? I’m just looking for what to expect really.

I haven’t been part of most of these programs as an alcoholic myself, but most ____ Anonymous programs at least somewhat based on the AA model. In that case they are free, no payment required, and especially not specifically for getting a sponsor. It’s funded by donation by members to keep the group running and pay rent for the meeting space, etc. and it’s only people who feel prepared and willing to pay, not generally newcomers just trying out a meeting or people who can’t afford it.

SMART is free and self-supporting as well, as far as I know.

Hey @MiddleNameCourage,
Great to have you with us. I’m 371 days sober from porn/masturbation/orgasm, or PMO, as some of us call it on here to keep things brief haha.
This is a properly tough addiction to beat to, so props to you for seeking help, and props for that 100 day streak too!
Some people feel more comfortable discussing this addiction in gendered private message groups on here, so I’ll tag in a member on here who I believe has a private womens’ thread going @Victorious (Correct me if I’m wrong Victorious! I know this was a while ago!)
Personally, I started here. I avoided NoFap on reddit, because reddit’s full of porn, and was a problem for me, also their community is a bit diluted by those who just want to “reset” their response to porn, and have every intention of returning to it. Not me, and not the people in this community on here!
Wishing you best strength :muscle: with this


@MiddleNameCourage hey there and welcome. I was a part of a group as @TheJK mentioned but I didn’t start the private one and I’m not currently in it. If I remember correctly it was an all female group comprising of love,sex,and Pmo addicts. I’ll try to see if I can find someone who’s in it and hopefully get you an invite if they’re still around.

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Thanks for clarifying @Victorious! Let me know if you find out a member of the private message thread I should tag in in the future!

Good luck on this journey.
Just know that we are all alike.
Running from something or just numbing our mind.

I cannot help you on your specific addiction. But there are some really good people on here @KevinesKay can you please give some nofap101 here?

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Hi everyone.

@Victorious, it’s nice to hear from you again.

The ladies private sex/love/porn addition forum was actually led by MissJ. She left TS about 6 months ago or so.

I’m sure that, one day, there will be enough interest to start one up again.

Meanwhile, welcome @MiddleNameCourage.

I’m glad you’re here.

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140 days clean here by the grace of god.


Here is an online support system for women who struggle with pornography and sexual addictions:

Crystal is amazing! I hope this helps.