2 months 20 days sober

Hello, I’m very new to this but I’m really struggling. I have been clean and sober for 2 months and 20 days now. I’m facing a lot of change including losing my wife and daughter (left due to my issues). I don’t want to go back to my old ways but it’s tough being alone all the time. I have not had any luck finding any AA or NA meetings in my area. I was told in rehab I should get a sponsor. Well, obviously that’s kind of tough when I can’t find a meeting. What do I do? Help please!


Have you tried phone meetings?

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No, I’m fairly new to outside meetings. I’ve been in rehab for 2 months and that is the only time I’ve ever been to any type meeting. I’m not sure how to go about a phone meeting.

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Try this link http://www.e-aa.org/links/links.php?ID=83
If that link didn’t work Google “aa phone meetings” . aa is not my choice for recovery , but you find what will work for you! There are other web based groups if you feel more comfortable with virtual support. But anyway you look at this, you don’t have to do it alone!


I’m pretty sure they have online meetings. Kinda like a chatroom. Google online AA meetings and it should come up. Stay strong and keep checking in on this app. It really helps :slight_smile:


www.aa-intergroup.org. The link to online meetings :slight_smile:


I do hope you will find one @HALT and welcome to this forum too :slight_smile: if any let us know


I really appreciate all the information! Tonight is being really tough on me. If any of you pray, please send some my way. In my mind I have already relapsed and that scares the crap out of me. I don’t want to lose my sobriety for anything but it is all I can think about right now.

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