2 week completed. Company organization

today is over 16 days. weekend we will have a company meeting outside the city. We will stay in the hotel for 2 days. There will be gala dinner and as you can imagine, people trying to serve alcohol everywhere :see_no_evil: I’il refuse the offerings with soda and lemon glasses. If I have trouble, a friend of mine from AA will be on the phone. this is all my plan …


:+1: :brain: :muscle: If you really have to go, this sounds solid!

I have to do these work things from time to time. Also good to remember that at any time I can quietly excuse myself and head to my hotel room which is usually just upstairs anyway.

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Also, if the room has a minibar, you can ask in advance or at the desk to have them empty it. You may need to explicitly state you’re in recovery, and they may charge a small service fee for the trouble.

Not a bad idea in any case. Even the dang candy bars are like $5 each. :roll_eyes: Bonus: If it’s a minifridge you’ll clear space to keep your own La Croix cold. :grin:


yes you are absolutely right. I will ask them to empty the mini bar :+1: