2 weeks sober, first timer, here!

Hi there, I am new, and today was my 14th day without booze. I am 33. I have never quit before. I was a bartender for 9 years. I already had issues before that. I thought leaving the service industry would fix me magically. Nah, I just changed my habits around my schedule for a new job. Well, I got Covid really really badly. I couldn’t work or leave or really move around much for 9 days, so I figured it was the universe’s way of telling me to get my act together and take this opportunity to quit while I was already unable to go buy booze. Before that, I had already drank whatever was in the house. Of course, nothing lasted more than a day to 3 days in my house. I have decided to let my drinking friends know I won’t be around for awhile. I am not going out to eat, or putting myself in any situations where I would be triggered. I’m not sure if I should ever have “just one”, not even after a year. I just know myself and it’s not good. Anyway, happy to be here. It brings me hope and confidence with each passing day, I feel I can do this just a little more so than I did the day before.



Welcome Trisha and congratulations on 14 days! I would encourage you to read around and interact if you feel comfortable doing so. It sounds like you’re taking good steps to protect yourself from drinking situations. Best wishes to you.


Welcome Trisha and Congrats on 2 weeks!! :tada:


Welcome Trish. Congratulations on your 2 weeks.
All my life I never had just one. That first one is the one that matters for me. Because it will lead to 10 or 20.
Have a good read around. This is a wonderful sober community to get and give support.
Join in when your comfortable.


Hey and welcome! You only need to worry about today, not tomorrow or a year from now. Much better way to live. Really wish I would have ditched booze at 33.

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Hi I’m new on here also on my 13th day

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Well done Trisha. Glad to read this and hear of your start on a new path.

Stick with this community. It has done me the world of good, having it in my pocket at all times and knowing a conversation is only seconds away if needed.



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Regarding “just one” in my experience that plan does not work. Ever. It “works” for a short time, but as soon as you get that “one drink” that is strong enough to get the brain going. Then I would just want more and more and more until it’s a problem again. I now understand that 1. I am an alcoholic, and 2. It’s never just one. One beer means that within 2 weeks I’ll be getting shithoused on hard liquor and ruining relationships and farm equipment.

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Yes! Like that one time I drove my jeep completely through my garage and ruined SO much stuff. Equipment, fish tanks from when I worked at the pet store…photo albums…God, I was gross dude.

Covid “cured” me too. I tell people that covid saved my life. It forced a detox, I couldn’t taste anything, and after a week if not drinking for the first time in years I was able to challenge myself to go two weeks, a month, to 19 months sober. I am confident that had I not caught covid I would still be wasted, maybe you feel the same.

It’s nice to hear that someone else has a positive side effect to a potentially life threatening illness. I wonder if there’s more stories like this. Welcome to the community, you’re in good company.


That was honestly the worst part of being in the bag. Waking up and hearing horrific unbelievable stories and then looking around at all the evidence of such horrors. And honestly, I couldn’t see the totality of it. I couldn’t see the PEOPLE that were being damaged. All my friends and relatives hurt along the way is something I only recognize now, after being sober for a while. It all just helps me know that I need to and I want to stay sober. I don’t want a swirling shitstorm around me ever again.

That is incredible! That’s what I am doing too. 18 days. Now shooting for 3 weeks. Then shooting for the month mark! Jist gotta keep pushing!


Congratulations on 14 days!!! That’s awesome!


I am also 33 and decided to quit this year. There was a thread of events almost what look like divine intervention moments that have lead me to this decision. I am now 80 days in and feeling great. Supper happy you hit your 14 days. Keep going this kind of life is mazing.