2 Weeks today!

After resetting for the umpteenth time I finally made it to my second week of the rest of my life :slight_smile: what a beautiful morning to wake up sober and not hungover! Thanks to everyone on here it’s been a great deal of help to have these forums on my side. Keep it real


I’m at 3 weeks so I hope I’ll be 1 week ahead of you forever.


Great job! I’m only on my 2nd day, but very focused and clear mind. Keep it up!

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Great job! Keep it going two weeks is great!

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Whoohoooo! I can’t even wait for my TWO WEEK SOBER announcement!

Lol, @Gvillegtor thats extremely witty. @alpine_1975 lets hope you stay one day ahead of me forever :wink:

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Thanks guys!!! I’m very excited @Naturehippy you can do it! We got your back