2 years sober & counting! I am SO proud of myself

This my first time posting so thank you to everyone for baring with me while get comfortable using this app. I am doing incredible…Not only have I reached 2 YEARS but only 2 days after my sobriety date, was my husband’s. He has reached 3 YEARS also & we’ve done/are doing this together! We have reached the best place in our 8 year relationship/marriage…basically finally STARTING it by being clear headed, TRULY honest with each other, being vulnerable & by allowing ourselves to clean our acts TOGETHER, we are just this invincible team of support for each other. I’m overwhelmed with love everyday but more than that, gaining my true sense of self again! Getting my confidence, strong will, PRIDE, self-respect, dignity…I’m just on top of the world & would NEVER go back to where I was for all the money ever! I don’t regret or , more stupidly, miss a day of the way my life used to be. My story is: when I finally listened to everyone in my life, saw how bad I actually was health wise & went to a doctor? It was life or death, my liver had stopped functioning normally & because of all the toxins left in my body my liver couldn’t handle anymore, I threw up every single scrap of food I put in my body. Sobering up started to heal my body INSTANTLY & my brain started repairing all the damage I was doing with a bottle of vodka a day habit. Not to mention, cutting out all those empty calories meant I dropped SIXTY POUNDS over the next 8 months! I’ve continued improving myself, growing, LOVING myself but also trying to help friends who ask for help. I don’t surround myself or put myself in compromising situations with temptation or tempting people, AT ALL or unless it can’t be helped (work)! Cutting out ALL connections to alcohol has just made my life that much easier. As far as friends who will try & lure you or draw you towards temptation? If you’re serious about your sobriety, they will either accept it as your choice now & not seeing them as much anymore OR you will truly find out who your friends are! Learning to cut people out of your life, taking yourself away from social environments until you are stable, just staying away from dangerous situations at first takes getting used to but…oh so very, very worth it! I’m not saying my way is perfect BUT…this is the longest I’ve been clean & sober since I took my first drink & started partying at 13. I’m 32 now, so I spent long enough wasting my youth. My husband is 36 & had an even MORE difficult path! He used everything from coke/crank, he was a bad BAD drunk but his drug of choice was heroine. He fought his ENTIRE adolescence, teens, 20’s & 30’s thru addiction, running from demons in foster care & so, SOOOO much more. So for him to be here?
And have the longest under his belt sober since he was in middle school? I’ve never felt more proud of anyone in my life! Plain & simple, this life is so worth it & anyone who reads these words, I desperately hope you choose a life of sobriety or at least try! I’m an open book so if anyone needs further support, or just an encouraging word, please PLEASE don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Good luck to all of you & appreciate every blessed day! :heartpulse:


Wow! Awesome job for both of you,congrats :tada:. Truly inspiring to read a success story such as this,your post has me completely excited and hopeful about my journey :blush:


Thank you so much for sharing this. What an awesome message and source of inspiration in your journey! And it’s so great that you are doing it together and so early in life.

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Wow! What an amazing story to wake up to reading! Your an inspiration!

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Great post. Should be required reading.

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Thank you guys SO much for taking the time to drop my a quick line (& the people who “liked” it) & let me know my words & our story reached you. It’s kindness like this, apps like this & a great, close community that help keep us on our path of success! Communication that’s so open & again, apps like these being started have truly galvanized the next age in recovery. I for one, am already a believer in help at your fingertips & that “there’s an app for everything” so having such positivity a click away in my phone? This is SUCH a joy & an amazing way to start my day. You’re all invaluable to my journey & I hope you all get as much positive affirmation back, as I’ve gotten from you! :grin:


Well done to both of you,s your story is so inspiring thank you for sharing :clap:

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