20, Alcoholic, lonely, closet gay

Well I guess the title sumarises quite well…


Drop the drinking and find something to do every day that brings you joy or at least contentment.


Hello Blank, 20, Alcoholic, lonely, closet gay! I’m PeppermintTea, 34, Alcoholic, not so lonely, straight! Welcome to the community :heart:️:yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


That actually made me laugh a little, thanks :grin:


Lol, I was going to say something similar… no matter how old we are, our relationship status or preference, we all tend to closet many feelings. I know my personal closet (large walk in filled to the brim with secrets) is kept locked with all kinds of substances. When I really peer into my personal closet and start going through its inventory, I find that some things I hide are outdated and others I’m not ready to wear out in public yet- either way, I only know what truly fits comfortably when I’m completely sober. I also find that I have way to many jeans. lol

Have a happy inspiring day every one! Love and hugs your way


Im gonna follow @PeppermintTea with this one.
26, Alcoholic,Restless (obviously cause of my name lol) sometimes alone in a crouded room, and married.

Just want you to know that who you love or are interested in is simply none of anyones business…meaning if you are hiding it because you are scared of what people think, please disregard what they think.
All of us addicts fight different types of battles everyday, so if it helps to talk about it on here …please do.Its helped me :blush:


Welkome to the forum. Sorry to read that you are lonely. Coming out might help you to find people alike and feel accepted. I am out and proud, so Let me know if there is anything you would like to ask on that regard.


You are not in any closet here and we like you anyways. The truth is I’m hiding in my own closet…no one knows I’m an alcoholic. Boy, the thought of saying that word to anyone is so scary, so I say so many lies to explain my not drinking. I’m trying to be healthier. I don’t want to feel tired tomorrow. Etc etc.

I suspect you are experiencing something similar…just saying the words is so hard.

So…until you are ready to do that you have a safe place here. I promise you that none of us can judge you. We all have our demons!!



Thank you all so much for your support, it’s so good to have a place with such open minded and welcoming people (but I’m sure you all know that already)


Oh we do Blank, we do! We’re a fantabulous group of people smashing sobriety together and like I said welcome to the community! From henceforth please consider yourself equally fantabulous with a cracking bunch of mates from all around the globe :earth_americas:


Hey there @Blank …Welcome to our fun-loving group of recovering alcoholics and addicts. There’s nothing you could say here that would be shocking. Oh man, do we have stories. I’m Mel, 37, alcoholic/drug addict with depression and anxiety disorder (a hot mess, if you will :slight_smile:), content, married. Glad you’re here!

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Wish you well @blank… I hope you get the Happy life you deserve if you need anything I will try to help

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