20 days sober and this is my first post

Haha! We shall see!!

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Some days I know we do it for ourselves, but other days…the kids keep us in check. Happy you are here too!

Unfortunately my husband is an alcoholic… Although a very high functioning one. He drinks every night. Maybe 3 maybe 6 beer. Doesn’t really ever get out of control but I see the effects on his mood/ responses/ energy and it’s hard on me. I feel so disconnected. Otherwise he’s a great guy and actually an awesome dad. Our daughter is amazing. You’d never know she has two alcoholic parents. I don’t know how we manage so well. The difference is, I’m honest with myself about my issues and want to change. My husband is not honest with himself and is too scared to change. When my daughter was only 2 ( before I had a drinking problem) I almost left him because I asked him to cut down and he started lying and hiding it. Then he quit for a bit. It was amazing. Then he started again but didn’t lie or hide it anymore and I accepted it. He needs to change when he is ready… But then I started drinking everyday… And lying about it and hiding it…So here we are…


Good on you m8! Stay strong :muscle: :call_me_hand:

Thank you for sharing that. My ex husband used to lie about it and hide it. I used to find brown paper bags with empty beer cans in the bottom of the baby stroller. One day found an entire closet full of empty beer cans when he had said he wasn’t drinking.
Doesn’t it feel so good to live without having to pretend it to not be hung over at school drop off and not have to hide the problem? You are so strong!!

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47 days. I have come to realize over the past few days that when I feel hurt by someone else, my go-to is to hurt myself. I can’t use alcohol to shove the feelings down so I bought cigarettes. Why?!? I am not a smoker.

This morning, I took all of my feelings to the gym and left them there. I cannot control what other people say or do to me. But I can control how I react and what I do to myself.

Today I am choosing not to take a hurtful lie told to me and use it to self destruct. That lying person can live with their own lies. Those lies are not mine. They don’t belong to me. I am going to live in my own truth today and not engage a fight about how hurt I am, isolate myself, and hurt myself. Not today.


Congratulations on 47 days :sunflower::tada::balloon::heartpulse::hugs:
Sorry you are hurt and someone is lying to you. That’s mean. Good you can take your feelings to the gym.
Also good that you set boundaries. You choose what and with whom you engage. No need to pick up each conflict that’s offered, you decide where your energy targets.
Be kind to yourself and take it one day at a time :hugs::pray:


I remember my daughter saying “mom, it really bothers me when you drink”. I told her I’d work on it. I made it one day. The next day I drank.
She said “I thought you said you were working on it”
My heart sank into my chest.
I gave my daughter life, but she saved mine. I’m here for me, but I wouldn’t be here without her. She is 16, and way beyond her years.
By the way, is that image from a book or something? I really like it. Id love a book full of reminders like this.
Thanks for your post.

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You’re welcome :pray:
I found the image on the internet, so I do not know if it’s from a book.

55 days. The past week has been hell. I did not drink but have been looking forward to a new habit I’ve picked up:a nightly cigarette. Just one, but still. I hide it from the kids. I will work on dropping that. I am proud of myself for staying strong through everything and I know things would be 10X worse is I was using alcohol to cope.

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I can’t believe I made it to 60 days! I am so happy!! Now I am looking forward to 90 days sober!


60 days!!! Congratulations! That’s amazing🎉

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I am at 71 days and have gone to a few events and did fine with not drinking. I just feel very boring. I have an inner ear disease that makes it impossible for me to hear during conversation in a crowded room. It is also painful. The glasses of wine suppressed the symptoms during events and I could have fun- but made the next day awful with horrible symptoms.
Time to find ways to feel less boring without alcohol!

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I made it to 80 days and had to reset this morning. I went out to dinner with my husband and when we got to the restaurant, it was closed for a private event. It was a political event and we were invited in for free wine and appetizers.
I figured why not. It had been 80 days. They gave me one large glass of red wine and we sat down. Someone kept coming by and refilling my glass. Before I knew it, I was drunk. I came home that way and had to apologize to my son and explain to the kids how it happened. They were surprised, but said they understood. My son was very forgiving. My husband said he had fun. No one was hurt except for me, I hope. I really hope.
I feel awful with a hangover today. Now I am reminded how bad the lifestyle of drinking feels. It is so not worth it! I am not perfect and I was weak last night. I’m back at day one. I hope to last another 80 days, but will take things one day at a time.

Keep it up,