Living clean from opiates for almost 3 months. Things were not easy to say the least, I’m sure you can all related to that. I’m finally at a place right now where I feel good, really good. I just started the job of my dreams, after being fired while receiving detox treatment. Yeah, that was an added blow to my already wounded self. Anyway I’m past that and it was a blessing in disguise, now that I’m thinking clear. My husband also will be starting a full time position after Christmas. Being able to pay bills will actually be joyful, well at least for a while. I’m sure that will become unpleasant again soon. Really who likes to pay bills? Last but not least, I have quit smoking after more than 20 years. This is an amazing feeling and I wish this for all of you this holiday season. We are all strong even when we feel weak. Sending good vibes only to all of you!! Thank for letting me share and your support
3 months off mind altering substances… I can’t even imagine what that is going to feel like… but I can’t wait to put it into words!
Aloha and congratulations !
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I believe in all of us. You will know what this feels like. The hard work really does pay off I’m looking forward to when I can say it’s been 6 months, it’s been a year,ect. Good Vibes only my friend.
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Good luck! I am in the same boat, will try to make it through this year sober and see where it takes me. We got this!
I actually wrote a blog post about this. You can read it here:
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