2019 Baseball

Shoulda bet on the underdogs man, live dangerously and whatnot! lol. A friend of mine was telling me about how good the payoff was gonna be considering the odds if they can pull it off and tried to convince me to bet on em but given the fact that addiction likes to grip my ass however it can I wont even buy scratch offs lol.

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And, we’re baaaaack! Three game series with 4 of the best pitchers in bball, bring it on! :100:


Make that 3…we pissed a way a 2 game lead and now we got Joe Ross goin up against u guys instead of Mad Max :sob: :laughing:

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The Astros called me and asked how they could win two games in a row. I gave them some sage advice. Score more runs than the other team.
Proud of myself; it worked!!!


Apparently that asshole callin it from behind the plate has money riding on the Astros too. Hes robbed Ross for 2 Ks now and that last one just turned into a 2 run homer. There have been some shitty calls across the whole series so far but they were consistent about shitting on both teams at least, this guy tonight not so much

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Bad ump or not tho these guys gotta find their rhythm or it’s over tuesday, theyve played horribly this weekend lol

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Well…let’s see if Stephen Strasburg knows how to stop a train :grimacing:



Bullshit call erased by 2 run homer…

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Man I been screamin at the tv for 10 mins now :joy: thanks to Tony 2 bags for bringin my blood pressure back down lmao


That’s not a call to make in the world series unless its blatantly obvious…

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Oh man!!! Great 7 games. Theres gonna be a lot of hangovers in DC tomorrow…



Shout out to the 'Stros for one hell of a fight, that series was a nail biter right to the end! I honestly thought we were finished Sunday but if these guys have done anything this season it’s perfect the comeback. Put a BIG curly W in the books! GO NATS!!!

(@GVLNative sry man I hope u didnt get skinned too bad)


Congratulations, it was a great series!!! Unfortunately I cannot retire as planned.
Oh well.


Continuing the discussion from Meme Wars 10…11…12…Go!:

Dude, that’s about the funniest thing ever!!!

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Even if my mets are skipperless…funny is funny

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Yeah, good riddance tho right? At least he didnt have an opportunity to taint u guys with that bs…sucks man, I always liked Carlos and he prob woulda made a good manager. Same goes for Cora and the Sox…at least u guys got a little time to find a back up but hell it’s been goin down since right after the ws, youd think they would’ve handled it way faster.

Yeah, I wasnt sure about his leadership anyway and we still have some equally bad or worse options…

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Your guys going thru some changes too though, I think the braves and phillies are going to give us both problems… but I’m looking forward to seeing your lineup.

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I wonder if the Jays are cheating, and just bad at that too…