23 days and triggered

It’s weird, but today I’m so on edge and really battling the idea that a bottle of wine won’t take away my massive headache. I’m not sure where this head came from, but today I was jittery at breakfast with some neighbor friends
Then bit the head off a neighbor who knocked on my door with a petition. Then literally crossed paths with someone who wanted to know if we went on a couple dates years ago. I thinking it’s the lack of work right now and getting nervous about bills too, but mostly this edginess seems way out of proportion to today’s encounters. So now I’m left wondering if I’m just a bitch or if this is all about being raw and on edge?


Its being newly sober…atleast it was for me. My ex-boss never knew how close he was to getting throat punched. Newly sober equals feeling emotions again…it gets better…just dont pick up that first drink.


Totally agree - feeling again, clarity and having the time to unpick stuff. It’s like turning the volume button up.
? Give Yoga a go - can help to refocus.

Are you sleeping ok? Some advised multi-vits on previous threads. Perhaps that might help.

Here’s to a better day tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Thanks, I need to keep that focus foremost. It’s probably also that I have been completely cocooned in my home avoiding people.

I learned staying at home can be good for the mind. I learned it at an AA meeting. Not going out for a couple weeks and continually occupying yourself with things to do helps alot, take a shower, vacuum the floor, do some house things. Go for a run even if you dont run go for a walk. Stay at home, its the best thing to do.

Put a sticky note or paper next to your door handle with some real words to your sober self. so when you grab that door handle its going to remind you of the past, that can save your life, and it makes you think of what youre about to go and do.

You got this, dont do it you know its not worth it. Struggle is hard, but overcoming a relapse is far harder.


Totally about your body going through early sobriety, I was so bitchy and snappy myself and some of the poor members on here had to put up with my irrational mood swings too, but hey, that’s what we are here for, the support. Ps I’d be ten times worse when it was my time of the month too :grin:

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Thank you for the confirmations! Yesterday was such a weird headspace, especially since I’ve been trucking along so positively. Wanting to drink away the pain and embarrassment is a habit, a loop, that I need to replace with something else. Finding the right thing is going to be a process.

At least now you know that the disease is going to try and blindside you and you can be prepared.
This last few days it been trying to get through my defences. But because of the good advise on this forum that I read in the first couple of days, I knew in advance that it could happen!
Stay strong and just say to yourself NO!

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