233 days without alcohol and

…it feels good! Went for a drive at 2am and watched the sun rise in the Lake District (UK), got back home around 7am and started a work from home shift :slight_smile: Even though I’m tired, it beats having a hangover. I’d normally have still been awake at 2am, drinking wine, so this feels like another tiny victory. Hope you’re all well and staying positive.


i wish i was able to see the lake district while in the UK. i’ve been to the peak a few times!

That is a stunning view!

Well done on your 233 days!!

You guys get a sunrise at 2 am? At that time I am sleeping probably on my first dream lol Congrats man on 233 days. What an accomplishment.

Congrats on your 233 days!

Haha, I left at 2am but it was genuinely light around 3:30am. Thanks :blush:

I lived 15 minutes from the Peaks for 10 years. Stunning. Only recently moved towards to Lakes. Also stunning!

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Thank you - appreciate the message :slight_smile: