24 hours clean and sober


Great start Davey, same again tomorrow :+1:

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Congratulations on day 1!

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Yes! Way to go!

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That’s a huge milestone :muscle:t4::grinning:. Way to go! Keep pushing forward :muscle:t4:

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Thanks everyone! Same again tomorrow. One dayy at a time :clap:


24 hours is all that matters. It’s all that ever matters: today, this 24 hours.

24 hours done! :raised_hands:


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Thanks matt really appreciat the support! 24 hours done💯

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Great job David!! Keep up the amazing work! How do you feel?

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Thank you ! Loads better. Back in work today, keep myself busy and get another 24 hours done :100::clap:


Well done! Keep going! :facepunch:

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Love this! Thank you :100:

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Wonderful! Keep going, one day at a time.

How today treating you?

We do a daily check in (sometimes multiple times in a day) on the Checking in daily to maintain focus #71 (Part 43) thread… a great way to stay connected to out fellows and helps me stay accountable.

Congratulations, first 24 hrs of commiting yourself to stay sober the next will be easier and before you know it you are in a happier place in yourself and you see others more clearly than before I have been clean for while and I’m noticing the small things in life that make me smile as before I was numb due to my habit, hope your 2025 is happy bright and most of all sober :+1::laughing:

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