24 year old sober stripper

Hi guys
Topic says it all I guess. I’ve been sober for just over two months and my depression is kicking my ass. Even writing this is hard. I’m working at a club on top of my full time job and barely scraping by. I realized I had a problem when I was prioritizing alcohol over groceries. I decided to get sober because I wanted to be able to control myself at work. I wanted to stop sneaking alcohol into the club and risking the job paying for my car. I wanted to be able to deal with shitty situations without alcohol.
I’m diagnosed bipolar 1 with generalized anxiety disorder. My dad was an alcoholic so I feel I was slightly predisposed to this.
It’s difficult because everyone my age is drinking every weekend. No one wants the sober girl around unless they need a DD and I get left out of plans because I dont drink amymore. Im sad about it. I hate that I’m losing out on relationships that I once cherished so dearly.
Ok. I’m rambling. Thanks for listening.


Thank you so much :two_hearts:

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Hello! Im 32 days clean from heroin and Im realizing a lot of my relationships during using were not real so Im trying to build a new community, tonight I went to 12 step yoga for people in recovery it was awesome! This place is great too!

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It sucks losing some relationships/friendships after becoming sober, but you come to realize that they are most likely not true friendships. I have come to realize that many of my friendships were superficial. On the opposite end you realize what friendships hold true & who prioritizes your friendship when it is now not as convenient. And you will start to build new friendships, built on a more solid foundation of common interests… not just going to the bar or alcohol. And those friendships will mean more to you & are more beneficial to your health & happiness. Best of luck!


I’m 83 days sober from meth and weed. I stopped drinking years ago but even stopping the use of drugs really shows you what friendships were based around your addiction. It sucks but it’s worth it. I’ve been reaching out to old friends who are now sober trying to find meetings to attend. The support is from people I haven’t talked to in years is overwhelming and an amazing feeling. Knowing that people want to be around you, the real sober you is a great feeling. I have been diagnosed with bipolar, social anxiety, and PTSD so I know how hard it is to reach out and try to make new friends but I promise you, it’s a genuine feeling and a real eye opener. Good luck.

I totally get where you’re coming from with your experiences in relation to your “friend’s’”. I am also bipolar and clinically depressed…& the anxiety… Forget-d-about-it! I am 3,715,200.00 seconds sober :grin:and literally loving every second. Some days are bad… Don’t get me wrong but I’m still sober and not compounding it with alcohol. You’re health and well being is far more important. As for lost friends and relationships you will find plenty more who will support your recovery :wink::pray:


Congratulations on your 2 months!! That is big!! Relationships do change and that is okay. There are lots of sober people out there as well. I know it is hard tho to feel like no one wants you around. Have you tried meetings? Might be a good place to meet some long time sober friends. :heart:

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If you get left out of plabs because youre sober you probably dont want to be there anyway. Being sober around drunks of often a bad situation, because you can see how emberrassing they are while at the same time you want to get drunk too. Real friends hang out with you sober, i know many people I called friends while using but realized they were not sober