3 days.. feeling like shit, no energy and craving hard!


Keep at it! Day 3 was always my downfall but I finally got past it. You can too :heart:


same boat here, 3 days in as well. We can do this… as shitty as we feel, im sure the addiction has made us feel worse too


Day 3 super super good! Stay strong Noemi! Take comfort in the thought you’re kicking this beast. Drink coffee, eat sweeties and healthy carbohydrate rich foods, green and black tea for energy, but also get enough rest. Maybe tell ppl you have headaches or a flu if you need an excuse to nap frequently. Your body is not used to this, it’s absolutely normal to feel weak at this stage. Power through, stay with yourself in kindness and most importantly, don’t give in. That’s not an option! You can do it!


Three days is good. I know it’s hard right now but it really does get better. Be kind to yourself and just rest as much as you need. Do whatever you need to do to get through the first week. You don’t need to do or be anything more than focusing on your recovery. If you’re able to sleep, do it. Hang in there. You can do it. You’re worth the effort.


Congrats on 3 days! The first week off of pills is the hardest girl, i know. I was addicted to pain pills for almost 20 years my friend. I tried to stop countless times and was unsuccessful. Until one night i had enough. I was on the virge of losing everything. My home, my job, friends, family. I stumbled across this group almost 1 year ago from today, and that’s when my life changed forever. I have not had a pill in almost 1 year. I’m 318 days sober as of today, and i have never felt so good in my life, i swear. And i didn’t think i could EVER GIVE IT UP. I promise you is the best thing i ever did. If you ever need someone to talk to im here for you. Please keep it up. These shitty withdrawls will be gone very soon and you will have your life back if you want it. Just know you’ll get thru this.


You can do this!! 3 days is an amazing achievement! :partying_face: congrats

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3 days is great, focus on today, you can do this!!

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Thank you!! You keep it at it too! How are you feeling?

THANK YOU! That means a lot! How many days sober are you now?

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Thank you! Everyone’s kind words of encouragement is what is helping me keep going. Everytime I get cravings, I just open my apps and read your comments!


The craving of euphoria and energy are the hardest!! I think physically I’m much better (minus little sleep at night) but good other than that. I’ve been taking 5htc, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Melatonin and Unisom at night and today (day 4, im feeling pretty good) The craving and thoughts about it is the worst right now…

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Just hit Day 4!


Nice job! The early days are challenging af. Just remember that you don’t ever have to go through those first 4 days again if you don’t want to.


8 days tonight. But I had almost 5 months before COVID so I know it can be done. And I know the rewards of quitting for such time. Keep it up :slightly_smiling_face:


You can do this believe you can and you will I’m at 23 days this app has changed my life the fact that I don’t want to reset my coke and meth and alcohol and Molly and mushrooms and Adderall and weed all of them I’m at 23 days I have a plan 6 months to stay sober then take a vacation to any island preferably Fiji islands and have a glass of wine staring at the sunset. Control of my thoughts and emotion is my goal to take back my mind is my mission.


Join me in this quest we can do this :100: all energy should go towardsmeditation
, Working out, sleeping 8hrs like deep sleep REM , training your mind to be happy listen to music smile at a stranger. I been using bineral beats on YouTube I’m having a great experience with it.

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You can do this :muscle: you got this.

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keep it up. the road is bumpy but you can do this. remind yourself why you decided you were done with it.keep coming back here and do t be afraid to open up to others about your struggles

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Congratulations…u did a great thing by starting this app…it will get u through the tuff times and make u feel better on sharing your days clean…4 days is an awesome start…cant promise this journey will be easy but I can tell u that it’s worth it…