3 Months Sober - I Did It!

Kudos to you!

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Ata girl! Keep it up! God bless

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Congratulation!! Proud of you. Can you tell a big change already? Iā€™m almost 1 week


Iā€™ve lost 16 lbs. My face isnā€™t bloated anymore. I sleep much better. My skin is clear. I feel great! :slight_smile:


Good stuff :muscle:

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Awesome, congrats and to many more!!

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Well done and congrats! :hugs:

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Congrats on 3 months!!

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Outstanding work. If no one in the real world tells you, I am proud of yo and so many people here are as well.

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29 days and calmed down on junk food now but at that stage where i think everything is fine now ā€¦but i lnow not to drink one day at at time ā€¦netflix is my new friend ha


Hi Brooke. and congratulations in reaching the big 90! I am new on this group and am on day 67 of my own recovery. I look forward o my big 90!! Hope you have a great Christmas and a fantastic every day at a time.


Congrats i just reached 3 months recently as well. Keep going!

Congratulationsā€¦ keep going

This was back in November! I relapsed in December but Iā€™m currently 23 days so almost a month again! But thank you!!

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Almost a month is amazing!

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That is amazing congratulations. Keep on rolling those days

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Congrats! Iā€™m at 3 months on Monday!!


Congratulations! It is so great to see people being free. It is a source of great hope for those like me. Just beginning the way

Awesome perks!

Congrats! Iā€™m looking forward to the lose weight lol and everything else its been 11 days for me and I already feel great!